Chapter 16

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(Y/n)'s POV

I was waiting in the far side of the garden, obviously outside of the residence.

"Oi, get up. Stop being lazy," Kuroto exclaimed.
"Wow, what a nice way to greet people *sarcasm*." I got up and smiled at him.
"It's been a long time, hasn't it?" he asked, looking around us.
"Yeah, why didn't you visit? I was so bored."
"I didn't have time," he replied simply.
"And I had a bunch of time."
"Then why didn't you visit?" he asked.
"Couldn't be bothered." He just grinned slightly.
"If you're gonna be like an older sister, at least come and visit," he 'scolded'.
"Sorry. Anyway, does Senshiro know about this?"
"Yeah, he's been scolding me ever since I told him."
"Come on, don't feel so upset. It won't do you any good."
"How can I not be upset? I'm the one that's causing you pain, and from your partner as well...I'm sorry."
"Get over it, crybaby." I pouted.
"Pfft, you have no feelings for anything." He just smirked and threw something in my face.
"Hey! What was that for?"
"Oh, I take it that you don't want the rice cakes? Then I'll gladly have them back," he exclaimed.
"No! Thanks the getting them for me." He laughed and sat down, leaning against a tree.
"And who was it that was calling me a lazy butt?"

He 'tched' and closed his eyes. I sat down and opened the bag to see a wide range of colourful rice cakes. I ate the strawberry flavoured one first.

"This is good, where'd you get them?"
"Some random shop on the street."

I rolled my eyes and stuffed a chocolate one in his mouth. He swallowed it and continued to rest. I just laughed and finished off the rest.

"What's Yuki doing?"
"Apparently Takashiro's telling him stuff about the past."
"Did you happen to hear a mysterious voice saying something about true love?" he suddenly asked.
"Yeah, why?" Instead of a reply, all I got was laughter.
"Was that you?!" He simply nodded.
"*sigh* I sometimes wonder why I lent you one of my spell books."
"Anyway, what I said was true. Your dad told me," he exclaimed.
"Why couldn't he just tell me directly?"
"Something about Reiga not suspecting anything."
"Thanks, little-"
"Don't say it!" he yelled.
"Little bro."
"Grrr, I don't know how many times I told you not to call me that. Throughout all those years, you didn't obey me once. We're not even related, so why call me that?" he said, annoyed.
"Because you seem like a younger brother to me. And besides, why did you even open up to me?"
"Fine, save it for later. I think you should go back to Senshiro or else he'll scold you again for talking to me."
"Tch, alright. See you later."
"Bye little-" He immediately stopped and glared at me.
"Bye Kuroto. Better?"

He just smirked and left. I stared at my surroundings. Now that he left, I realised how boring it was. Plus, Flare wasn't here so I couldn't talk to her.

"You seem as close as ever with him," Luka commented.
"Yeah but did you hear our whole conversation?" He nodded.
"Hasn't anyone told you not to eavesdrop?"
"What was that about the mysterious voice?" he asked, avoiding my question.
"Not like you need to know."
"Fine, I think I might just go and look for-"
"Okay, fine! I just need to find true love or else I die, happy now?" He just smirked and looked at the sky.
"Aren't you wondering about how Yuki's doing?"
"Help me up." He sighed and extended his hand. I gratefully grabbed it.
"I'm bored."
"Since when haven't you been bored?" I laughed.
"When something interesting's happening."

He just ignored me and left. I began wondering about the things that Takashiro could be telling Yuki right now. Probably about his duras and reincarnating and stuff.

"Well, look at you." I turned around and came face to face with a doll made out of trees and mud.
"Did Reiga send you?" Its head rolled to the side.
"Reiga-sama? Who else?"
"He seriously doesn't think that a simple doll like you can defeat me, can he?"
"Who are you calling simple?! I'm stronger than you!" It yelled and sent a blast of earth towards me. I dodged it.
"Oh, it seems like you're stronger than usual mud dolls." It smirked and continued to attack me. After a while, I got bored and destroyed it.

(Y/n), can you hear me?
Yes, Flare.
Great, talk to me. I'm bored.
Aren't you with Sodom?
He's talking to Yuki. I'm sad.
Are you serious? what have you been doing?
You know, the usual. Talking with Kuroto and lazing around since there's nothing to do.
Since when have you not done nothing?
Wait, Sodom wants to play with me. Gotta go, bye.

Seemed like she was having more fun than me. Suddenly, a pigeon landed on a nearby rock. It had a note attached to its leg. I took it off and opened it.

'Stay away from Kuroto, got it? Trash like you don't deserve to have friends.' ~Senshiro.

I glared at the note and threw it away. The pigeon looked at me as if it was expecting me to write something back. I created a large cherry blossom petal and wrote

'Got it, but aren't you talking to me? Haha, means you're talking to trash.' ~(Y/n).

I tied it around the pigeon's leg and it flew off. When was he gonna realise that Kuroto didn't mind talking to me?...

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