Chapter 22

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Hotsuma's POV

"Oi, give her back to us!"
"Why? She does not belong to you. She is an opast," Reiga replied. Luka pointed his sword at him.
"Give her back."

I watched in anger as he walked inside and closed the door. But soon after, (Y/n) appeared on the ground. Kuroto and I immediately ran over to her.

"(Y/n), wake up!" Kuroto yelled.

She just managed to smile before falling unconscious. Why? Why didn't you tell us before? I picked her up and walked back with everyone. (Y/n), you're stronger than that. You have to wake up.

~Some time later~

"Yuki still won't wake up?"
"No, it's already been more than half the day," Shusei replied.
"It's our fault Yuki always ends up like this. We get injured in battle and Yuki heals us. The more he heals us, the more he'll collapse," Senshiro exclaimed.
"Damn it..." I looked at Kuroto and could tell that he was thinking the same thing as me. What would happen to (Y/n)?
"That's exactly why we have to make every effort, when fighting, to sustain as few injuries as possible," Toko replied.
"But that Cadenza..."
"General classes are always that powerful. They're leagues above the other opasts," Shusei said.
"Well, that doesn't matter. (Y/n) will have to survive, she's stronger than that. Kuroto, don't go saying that he's your enemy alone!"
"What he's trying to say is that we fight together. I'm sorry, he's not good at expressing himself," Shusei added.
"So unlike the duras, we work as one unit," Toko exclaimed.

(Y/n)'s POV

I struggled to get my eyes open.

"(Y/n)?" When I finally adjusted to the brightness, I was enveloped in a hug.
"Don't do that again. You scared me," he scolded.
"I'm sorry." I looked to the right and noticed that Hotsuma was here.
"Oi, do you know how worried we were?! Don't ever do that again. We don't think of you as our shield!" he yelled.
"I..." Kuroto left us alone.
"Why would you care?"
"You're our comrade, why wouldn't I?" he asked. I looked away from him. He usually didn't bother with me. Why was he caring for me now?
"Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded. He moved next to me and took my hand.
"Your cherry blossom, its dying."
"I know, but it won't be much of a difference when I'm gone." I suddenly felt like someone had taken the oxygen away from me.
"H-Hotsuma...I c-can't...b-breathe..."
"Just calm down-"

I screamed as my cherry blossom started burning my hand. Unexpected, Hotsuma grabbed me and smashed his lips against mine. The pain subsided and the air came back.

"T-thank you..."
"Tch, don't scare me like that."
"How did that work?" Before he could answer, Kuroto came in.
"Yuki's awake." Hotsuma helped me stand up before we walked to Yuki's room. Everyone was already there when we arrived.
"Sorry for making all of you worry," Yuki exclaimed. Hotsuma and Kuroto sat down around him. I just stood in a corner, leaning against the wall.
"You shouldn't be so reckless," Hotsuma said.
"I know, but I want to do everything I can to end this battle. All I can do is heal your wounds. But I still want to fight alongside everyone," Yuki replied.
"You idiot, of course you will!"
"Once all this is over, I'll bake a delicious cake and we can eat it together. Okay?" Toko exclaimed.
"Don't make me eat your cake," Hotsuma replied.
"What did you say?" Toko asked.
"We have Toma-san," Shusei added.
"You too, Shusei? And I was willing to go to the trouble of baking for you!" Toko said, a little annoyed.
"There are some things you just can't do." I smiled at their little argument. They started arguing more until Flare and Sodom told them to get along.
"Let's end this, so we can all go home to the Twilight Mansion," Yuki exclaimed. I gasped. Why didn't I realise before?
"(Y/n), where-" I had already run out of the room. I ran to the outside of the residence.
"Oh, so we're gonna fight you?" Elegy asked.
"I will not let you three go anywhere near them."
"You can't take on all of us at once," Cadenza replied.
"Well, prove it then."

They all came charging at me. I created a shield with a little more power. It broke, like I expected it to. They immediately dashed towards me. I got out my katana and blocked their attacks one after another. After a few minutes, I was beginning to get tired. Damn it, why did I have to be so weak?

"(Y/n)!" I turned around and saw everyone running towards them.
"Don't think you're alone, we're here with you," Kuroto exclaimed. I smiled.
"Everyone, please keep them busy." They all nodded. I started to chant a spell.
"O keeper of secrets, healer of unforgettable wounds. Let thou use your strength, give me your wisdom. The energy within you, I command the release of the demon trapped inside your soul. Let the light and dark escape, Angelica!"

Immediately, a bright light surrounded me and boosted the power/energy of everyone. Black souls from the underworld attacked the opasts. I bent over, trying to keep in the pain.

I still hadn't fully recovered and yet, I just used a powerful spell. My power was being drained. The spell had split my power and shared it with everyone. Now I was left with nothing but pain.

"Tch, that damned girl..." Elegy muttered.
"You finally decided to show yourself, God's Light," Cadenza exclaimed.

What?! I forced myself to get up and stopped Cadenza's attack. Luka had told Kuroto and Senshiro to protect Yuki and stop him from using 'Halo Wall'.

"Is this what you wanted, Reiga-dono?" Cadenza asked. Reiga had Yuki.
"Don't move. If you move, God's Light will die, here and now. We're leaving," he said.

He had took Yuki with him. The opasts left with them. But before the door closed, I threw the stone from my katana inside and chanted a quick spell to make it go inside Yuki's pocket.

"Yuki!" Luka yelled. I'm sorry, everyone. I couldn't protect him like I was supposed to...I blacked out.

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