Chapter 5

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(Y/n)'s POV

I really shouldn't get too close to Yuki. He'd just be burdened to think about me and feel sad for me. Flare was looking at me with her big, round eyes.

"I know. We shouldn't bother him too much."

I stretched and sat down on a bench near the park. Then I closed my eyes and rested for a few minutes. This was so peaceful. All I could hear was the rustle of the leaves and sounds of the cars.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated. I opened it only to have sadness overtake me. It was from Toko. She had written: 'Why can't you just die? Don't be late for tonight, I have something in store for you ^^'.

*sigh* Did she really have to go through all that trouble to bully me? I decided to go ask Luka where Sodom was. Flare seemed pretty bored. I went to the police station but they were both gone. Hotsuma was the only one there. He pushed past me.

(Y/n), can you hear me? It was Luka using telepathy.
Go find Yuki, protect him.

I followed Hotsuma to where Yuki was. Hotsuma was blaming Yuki for going up to a suspicious person but something about that little girl didn't seem right. I couldn't pinpoint it though.

They weren't really focusing on what kind of situation we were in and talking about Yuki being an idiot and all.

"Hey guys-"
"You, shut up," Hotsuma ordered.

I was about to speak again but it would be pointless so I closed my mouth. Then a whole bunch of mud dolls appeared out of the ground, including that suspicious guy.

"Creatures of darkness, burn in the fires of hell!" Hotsuma exclaimed.

The mud dolls were set on fire. A barrier formed over the park. I'm guessing it was the work of Shusei. Yuki was holding onto the little girl, making sure she was safe.

"Well? Don't just stand there! At least do something useful for once!" Hotsuma yelled.
"Oh, right. Sorry." I used a magical attack to blast through all of the mud dolls.
"Oi, you almost destroyed us!"

*sigh* He was just blown back a little, I didn't get how that was 'destroying him and Yuki'. Luka came when the dust cleared. He checked to see if the Yuki was okay. As usual. The only thing that mattered to him was Yuki. He had said something about him being the bait.

"If his bodyguard falls for stupid tricks, what are we supposed to do?" Hotsuma asked.
"Look who's talking," Luka replied. I giggled but quickly covered my mouth. Luka smirked but Hotsuma only punched me.
"H-Hotsuma, please don't hurt her," Yuki exclaimed. He ignored him. I zoned out as they were talking about the mud dolls.
"Then what are we supposed to do?" I looked over at Luka. He nodded and went over to stand in front of Yuki.
"What's gonna happen?" Yuki asked worriedly.
"Don't worry," Luka replied.
"Please buy some time-"
"Why should I?" Hotsuma asked. Luka glared at him. He sighed and got out his scythe. I began enchanting a spell. Flare hopped off my shoulder.
"O dark one, o pure one. Enlighten the sky, fill your power, enchant us with your everlasting being. Show your master the true meaning of our bonding. Come, queen of all. Phoenix!"

Flare started to glow before turning into a large flaming kitsune with wings. She opened her mouth and shot a powerful attack at the mud dolls surrounding us.

"Are you trying to kill us?!" Hotsuma yelled.

He was blown back a few metres while Luka stayed in place to protect Yuki and the little girl from the strong force of the attack. They weren't dead yet, I could still sense the duras.

Then, all of a sudden the girl started to choke Yuki. She was talking about God's Light. Yuki got her hands off of his throat but she went back to normal for a few seconds. I think he saw her past and emotions from that.

"No, it's not this girl's fault. Leave her body," Yuki said. A light glowed around him...God's Light.
"I release you."

That was Shusei's voice. The duras came out of the little girl's body and was trapped in a big, black cage. Hotsuma killed her with a strike of his fire scythe.

Shusei dispelled the barrier after receiving orders from Takashiro. He explained what Shusei's barrier did, to Yuki. He also introduced Yuki to Shusei and Hotsuma. God's Eyes and all.

Yuki handed the girl over to the police. I literally couldn't be bothered to focus on their conversation so I went over to Flare and checked to see if she was okay.

"High-level duras, known as opasts, take on beautiful human forms to draw humans and deceive them."

Everyone stared at me, except for Yuki who was looking at Luka. I looked away, not able to meet their gaze. I wouldn't deceive them... Why did they still think that I was an enemy?

"In any case, trust no one! Especially her!" Hotsuma said, pointing at me.

Throughout his little lecture, Shusei noticed his wound on his hand. They left after a few 'farewells'. I teleported back to my room.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" Flare asked.
"Yeah, I was thinking about how I forgot to ask Luka where Sodom was."
"Why do you want to know where Sodom is?"
"To keep you company. I've noticed that you get bored a lot now."
"I'm fine as long as I have you," she exclaimed happily. I smiled. She smiled back and jumped onto my bed.
"Ahh, this is all mine," she said to herself.
"Hey, that bed's mine." I lay down next to her.
"Aww, now I have to share." I raised an eyebrow.
"Flare, this is my bed and I've always shared with you."
"What are you talking about? This bed is mine." Then we both burst out laughing.

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