Let's Try This Again

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"California will you hurry up?!" I grabbed my camera and tied my hair up in a ponytail.

"Relax will you!?" I fixed my dress and walked out the front door I unlocked my car and waited for Beverly to get in.

"I can't believe Nash is graduating a year early right next to Keaton" I pulled out the drive way.

"Yeah I'm proud of them" I focused on the road getting closer and closer to the graduating ceremony.

"Soon enough it's going to be you" she squeezed my hand "Beverly I still have one more year left" I laughed trying to find a parking lot for the ceremony on the football field.

"Come on their almost at the J's" I turned off my car and sprinted past the cars.

"Nellie Jacobson... Nick Jackson... Thad Jens, Robert Jillens..."

"Hurry" I yelled at Beverly who was close behind we showed the security guards our ticket and jumped over the gate instead of waiting for them to open it up for us. We sprinted through the seats and found our family I waited and took photos of Nash and Keaton before they got their diplomas.

"Nash Jones and Keaton Jones..." we all cheered so loud for the both of them.

They flashed a smile as I took a few more pictures before they walked off stage, about dozens and dozens of names later "CLASS OF 2014 TURN YOUR TASSELS TO ONE SIDE... CONGRAULATIONS!" and then the graduates threw their hats in the hair.

"You guys are so lucky Nash and Keaton didn't see y'all run in" I laugh and playfully slapped Dee in the arm.

"Yeah what were you guys doing?" Sophia nudged me, Sophia and I became really close I met her at Dee's dance company. Dee introduced us, Sophia is from England she came back to California to do a program for fashion and is going to be here for a whole year.

"Yeah, yeah Beverly was taking her sweet time" I joked.

"Was not!" she yelled Keaton and Nash meet us on the side of the turf where most families were congratulating their kids.

"Aw come here congrats big bros" I squeeze them so tight.

"No hug for me?" I turn and see Ben standing with his arms open I cheer and then run into them as he lifts me off the ground and twirls me.

"Congratulations I'm happy for you" he smiles his girlfriend comes up from behind.

"Hey Britt congrats!" I squeeze her half to death, we take a few more pictures and then decide to go grab something to eat.


"Alright I'm gonna head out Nash, Ben, Britt y'all coming?" Keaton paid for himself and everyone else. He said good bye and they all headed out the restaurant it was just me Dee, Sophia and Beverly.

"So the boys WWA tour ends tonight" I heard Sophia say, I dropped my fork on my plate causing it to make a big clank I picked it back up as fast as possible.

"Oh yeah?" I picked it back up stuffing my face with salad.

"I-I'm sorry..." I never told Sophia what happened with me and the members from One Direction. She just knew it was a sensitive subject we all never came across, we haven't seen them in a year and frankly we were hoping to keep it that way.

I haven't been in the media that much I mean every now and then but I did my best to disappear.

"I should at least tell you what happened between us" I cleared my throat.


Harry's POV

"Harry will you get your lazy bum up!" Liam screamed at me from the kitchen.

"Okay, okay I'm up" I stood up from my bed and ran my fingers through my head I looked around and today was the last stop from our WWA tour and we're going back to the states to enjoy our time off from all of the flashing lights and concerts.

I run my fingers through my hair trying to fix the bed head going on but Lou can just fix it later.

"Can't believe the tour is basically over" I laugh taking a sip of my juice.

"Yeah over thousands and thousands of screaming fans can really overwhelm you" Louis teased me.

I sat down eating my sandwich Liam made me Zayn was still sleeping we know better than to wake him up before noon he gets really grouchy.

The most amazing thing was that he got up by himself "woah Zayn why are you up before noon?"

"Because today is the last day and I'm excited... because tomorrow I get to sleep in" he does his little special dance and sits down at the table and starts eating.

"Where's Niallar?" Louis said with a mouth full of ham and tomatoes.

"He's with Barbara" Liam sat down eating his sandwich with the rest of the guys. Its weird how they are getting pretty friendly but Niall keeps telling us they're still friends.

"I'm surprised Niall is still friends with her" I said taking another bite "why?" Liam asked.

"Because she's totally hot" I said.

"Yeah, yeah I thought he was going to wait for Beverly just like you were going to wait for Cal-" Louie stopped himself before he finished her name.

"Sorry mate" he cleared his throat. Hearing her name was always a sensitive subject for me I did my best to forget about her we haven't had any contact together and I kind of want to leave it that way I can't deal seeing her again after how things were left off.

"You do realize we're going to California though right, you may try to avoid her but I'm going to see her" Liam picked up his plate.


"Because unlike you I didn't try to forget her, I'm still her best friend yeah we haven't talked in a year but that doesn't mean I'm going to forget about her like she was no one... She's still important to me Harry and as much as you want to deny it... She's important to you too."

Hi guys if you haven't read the first book you should! It goes along to this story! So if you don't know any of the characters or their background information read the first book Soccer Steps! Hope you guys like the first chapter! Please comment and vote! Love you guys! Stay Golden - KP

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