Chapter 4

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"I'm feeling like I'm famous; the talk of the town. They say I've gone mad. Yeah, I've gone mad.. But they don't know what I know, 'cause when the sun goes down, someone's talking back. Yeah, they're talking back. At night when the stars light up my room, I sit by myself talking to the moon, trying to get to you, in hopes you're on the other side talking to me too. Or am I a fool who sits alone, Talking to the moon?" - Talking to the Moon × Bruno Mars

Zailee's POV

I woke up the next morning around 10:28, about an hour and a half before the session started. I got up and dragged myself to the bathroom, showering, washing my face, and brushing my teeth. Then proceeding to get changed into some sweats and a shirt.

I slowly made my way to the same conference room from yesterday. I opened the door and there sat Dr. Briggs and some other kid. He was seated in one of the three chairs that were turned to face towards Briggs' one chair.

I slowly walked in and sat in the other chair that was on the end, leaving the other chair to separate the boy and I. I sighed and looked at Dr. Briggs blankly.

"Why am I here?" I stated blankly.

"Well, yesterday you said that you didn't want to talk about your personal life in front of a bunch of people. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that you would do better in a more private session."

I rolled my eyes, "Ight, can we start?" I asked.

"As soon as Chris gets here." he said, and as if on cue, in waltzed Chris.

"Nice of you to join us, Chris." Briggs said, and Chris responded with a smile and nod.

"Alright, now, the aims of anger management counseling is to help you recognize what makes you angry; triggers or catalysts for anger, and to get you to ask yourself questions about your anger such as: 'What type of people or situations make me angry?', 'What do I do when I am angry?', and 'How does my anger affect others around me?'. So Zailee, what type of people make you angry?"

I smirked, "Where do I start? Douche bags, ass holes, cunts, bitches, super perky and preppy people --y'know, the typical type of person that'll piss a 'mentally ill and schizophrenic' girl off." I fake smiled then rolled my eyes.

I saw Chris shaking his head from my peripheral, and Briggs seemed slightly bewildered by my choice of words.

He cleared his throat and fixed his glasses on his face. "Alright, uhh... Okay now, what about situations that make you angry? What must the circumstances be for you to really snap?" he asked.

"It's all about respect. I kill for my pride and dignity, therefore when I feel as if I'm being disrespected, it pisses me off." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Okay, and what do you normally do when you're angry?" he asked as he jotted something down on his large yellow pad of paper.

"I take my anger out on whoever pisses me off. I fight, argue, yell; straight fuck shit up." I stated simply.

"And do you think there is a better way for you to handle your anger?"

"Well yeah, I guess, but that don't mean I agree with the 'better' way."

"See, you're making progress. You understand that the way you deal with things is wrong, and that's one step closer towards learning how to channel and control your anger." he said. I mentally rolled my eyes at his wanna be Dr. Phil approach.

"Last question, Zailee; how do you think your anger, from your attitude down to your outbursts, affect others?"


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