Chapter 6

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" Shooting death with weighted dice and hitting stains on birthday candles.. I know somebody, somebody loves my ass… 'cause they help me beat my demons ass.." - Chance, the Rapper × Everybody's Something


Zae's POV

"Yo Z, you seen Chris?" I asked Zero as I peeked into his room.

"Nah," he said as he looked up from the Tv, "I thought he was with you."

I furrowed my eyebrows then shook my head, "Nope, I ain't seen him since breakfast." He looked confused for a second then shrugged his shoulders.

"Welp, lemme know if you find him." he said, turning back to the Tv. I looked at him like he was crazy. "Um, negro.." I snapped my fingers repeatedly to get his attention.

"What??" he said as he turned around. I paused and gave him the Bach stare. [a/n: King Bach from vine. you stare with a blank ass face and blink slow as hell 3 times, funniest shit ever]

"Y'know what?? Fuck you and ya retarded ass hairline." I started to walk out but he said something, "What? Man ain't shit wrong wit' my hairline!"

I started to laugh but suppressed it, "You right..." "I know I'm right, I --" I cut him off.

"'cause you ain't even got no hairline. Yo shit look like Montel Williams. You got that Money Mutual fade." I busted out laughing as he tried not to laugh along.

"Really Zae? Money Mutual? You ain't have to go there." he said shaking his head. "Welp..." I responded as I walked out his room.

"I got'cho ass later!" he yelled and I fanned him off continuing down the hall.

The only place I hadn't checked was our secret spot, so I decided to check in there. I pushed the door open and saw Chris sitting in the big chair, looking out the window.

"You mean to tell me I been looking for you harder than Waldo and yo ass been in here this whole time??" I asked putting my hand on my hips.

He didn't say anything, he just continued to stare.

"Chris?" he still didn't say anything, he just started shaking his head from side to side gently.

"Chris! Nigga... is you... is you crying!?" I asked with wide eyes. He started shaking his head even more, I then noticed that he was slowly rocking himself back and forth. He was seriously starting to scare me.

"Chris, stop." I said as I sat beside him. I rubbed his arm with my left hand and draped my right arm over his shoulders, "What's wrong?"

"This just ain't my day...." he muttered, never taking his eyes off the window. I shook my head in confusion, "You ain't been out this room almost day. What happened?"

He started to shake his head again. "4 fuckin' years..."

"What??" I was confused as fuck, and his short ass replies wasn't helping.

"My brother... h-he.. died 4 years ago..." More tears silently flowed effortlessly down his cheeks.

"Damn man, fa'real? Sorry to hear 'bout that." I said.

Wow, his brother died on 9/11. Not the actual event, but the date. But something else about the date sounded familiar.

"Wait, didn't you tell me a while ago that today would be the 4th year of you being in here?" I asked. Yep, Chris has been in here for 4 years. Crazy right? He said he got sent here when he was 13, but he never told me why.

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