Chapter 21-The Return

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"Your love is like a studded leather headlock...your kiss it could put creases in the're rarer than a can of Dandelion & Burdock...and those other girls are just post mix lemonade..."

Jared looked again at the DVD and then at the papers that Anka had just signed hours ago. He had a decision to make. At first he wanted nothing to do with anyone. The second he got remotely better he avoided everything that reminded him of his family, engaging himself in sex with various teenage models and starlets.

Now, after seeing this DVD, somehow his opinion changed. He did believe that him and Anka had a very strong connection. But then again, he shut her out on repeated occasions ever since he started getting better.

Jared took a quick glance at the coffee table, picked out a wet cloth and wiped out the cocaine off the table. Even like this, not remembering anything Anka still had a strong link on him, making him question everything.

Anka on the other hand stopped fighting after this last thing she saw. She left Shannon's house in tears and sobbed quietly in her car for a good part of the journey back home.

Recently it felt like all she did was cry. And she hated herself for being so soft.

Constance was in the living room playing with little Jay and gave her a concerned look when she saw her red eyes.

"Cupcake...can you go to your room for a bit and let me and nana talk?", she barely murmured.

The little boy nodded and grabbed his toy. He gave Anka a quick hug before running up the stairs.

"What happened?", asked Constance as she went towards the kitchen counter.

"I decided to give up fighting...I can't do this anymore.", replied Anka taking a seat at the island counter.

"What did he do this time?", asked Constance, handing her over a cup of hot tea.

"The same he did the last time. Wherever Jay there...he doesn't want to come back...I wanted to talk to you mainly, because this will affect everyone...I don't even know how I'm gonna explain things to Jay...I feel really happy that Jo and Aiden are too young to understand..."

"What is there to explain?", asked Constance even more concerned.

"I filled for divorce...I just can't do this anymore...I can't fight anymore...I fought for so many years and this last one really got to me...I also asked the lawyer to draft the custody papers as well...But with little Jay is a bit complicated...he isn't my biological son, so if Jared decides that he wants to have him, I can't really stop him...unless I take him to court...and prove that he is an unfit parent.", explained Anka.

"But where are you gonna go? You're not going to take my grandchildren away aren't you?", asked Constance.

"I was intending to move to Dublin. I still have my apartment. It will be good enough until I find a house big enough for all four of us...or three...depending on Jared...of course you can come visit...Shan spends most of the time there with BlackFuel, so the children won't feel like they lost everything...", explained Anka.

"But what about Jared? What will he do? What if he remembers? Anka you have to take things into consideration, right?"

"It's highly unlikely for Jared to remember now...He didn't remember anything in nearly a year, what makes you think he will remember anything now? Connie, he's forty-nine."

"But he's still in good health. I mean, he recovered fully. Plus you love him. Think of that...and little Jay might end up hating you for doing this...Yes, Jo and Aiden are too young to remember, but Jay..."

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