Chapter 4-Faith

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"Do you really want me? Do you really want me dead...or alive to torture for my sins?"

Calls late at night are almost never good news. Anka was sleeping with little Jay in her arms, when she got that phone call at three in the morning. It had been a long day today, she could feel the babies kicking harder than the last few times, but she wasn't concerned. She still had three weeks left and she was very healthy.

She rubbed her eyes and arched her back a little as she picked up the phone. She didn't even know when she and little Jay fell asleep, waiting for Jared to come from a press release for his Andy Warhol biopic. The last time they talked, he was on his way home from the Lab.

"Hello?", she said in a half sleeping voice.

"Mrs Leto?", asked the voice from the other end.

"Yes, moment please.", she said softly, tucking in the little boy.

She made her way to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water.

"Mrs Leto? Are you still there?",asked the voice over the phone in a concerned tone.

"Yes, yes, sorry, I didn't want to wake up the child.", she said still whispering.

"Mrs. Leto, I'm sorry to call you in this late, my name is Officer Brooks and I know given your condition, there is no easy way to put things, but your husband has been involved in a car accident."

It took every ounce of strength for Anka not to drop her phone down to the floor and every ounce of self control to keep her breathing in check. The only thing she wasn't wishing for at the moment was to go into labor alone in the house with a sleeping five year old.

Shannon, Andrea and Danny spent all day with her, but around eight she told them to go back to Shannon's. She wasn't concerned that something would happen, especially when she knew Jared was due to land a few hours later in Los Angeles.

His plane was supposed to land in at about eleven and she knew he was stopping by at the Lab to get some papers. From how she knew Jared, she didn't worry when he ran a bit late. She didn't even call, because she knew he was trying to get as much work done as possible before the babies arrived.

She got a text at around half one from Jared, letting her know that he was running late a bit and she decided to watch a movie with little Jay, until he got back home.

And now the news hit her like a truck. Full speed and ruthless.

"What-wh-what do you mean?", she uttered, barely breathing.

"Your husband was driving home from his office when another driver hit him full frontal. Since you were listed as the first person to contact in case of emergency it was my job to call you. He was taken into the emergency room at Los Angeles hospital and is under surgery as we speak. His condition is critical..."

Anka wasn't listening to the officer anymore. The words 'accident', 'critical condition', 'emergency' were ringing in her head. She felt a sharp pain in her stomach, as she had the sensation she peed herself in the same time.

She dropped the phone onto the counter and dug her fingers into the marble, biting her lips not to let out a cry.

"No, no, no...this can't be happening...I can't go into labor right, please, no...", she whispered with tears springing down her cheeks as she crossed her legs.

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