Chapter 16-Forget Me Not

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"Light me up a cigarette...put it in my're the only one that wants me around...and I can think of a thousand reasons why...I don't believe in you...I don't believe in you and I..."

"Are you fucking out of your mind?", started Jared as he closed the door to his old bedroom.

"Me? I'm beginning to wonder the same about you Jay! Drinking at two in the afternoon? Is that what you meant by recovery? Drinking?"

"What do you want from me? I've given you and the kids space. I'm not fucking drinking in front of you or them and I'm keeping my shit for myself. As we agreed.", replied Jared snidely.

"And how does that work? Cause Shannon has been sleeping in our home for the past week! Or have you failed to notice that?"

"I've told Shannon about our agreement! I don't even know why we're fucking opening that can of worms!"

"Because the kids need you! I need you Jared! I need you to get your shit together and actually be a part of our lives! Where you ACTUALLY BELONG!"

"Did it ever occur to you that maybe I don't want to be a part of your sad little life? Just saying..."

"Jay...Look, I didn't come to argue...I've been more than supportive of you wanting to have your space. Of you wanting to do things in your own terms. But this is getting way out of hand! This isn't who you are."

"What if it is. What if I actually like the way I am right now!"

"Cause you're not! This isn't who you are!", said Anka trying to get closer to him.

"Stay where you are. I swear to God I will hurt you if you take one step closer.", said Jared.

"I need you Jay...I miss you so much...I can't handle everything on my own...", said Anka slowly walking closer to him.

"Then hire a fucking nanny. Like normal fucking women do!", retorted Jared as he saw her approaching him.

Jared pushed her violently away from him into the desk. The result was her falling down to the floor with a loud thump. She stood up and shook her head, trying to keep her tears at bay, still in shock after what he did.

"Where are you going?", asked Jared as she made her way to the door.

"Home...I think you're right...maybe this is who you are...I surely don't recognise the man I married. He wouldn't do that to me not even in his dreams.", said Anka as she took a deep breath.

"Well, you'd better accept that dreams sometimes turn into the worst nightmares.", replied Jared.

"You're right...and sometimes you gotta snap out from that nightmare...", said Anka sadly.

She opened the bedroom door and headed to the studio to pick up her son and nearly bumped into Stevie on her way in.

"Hey, everything okay?", asked Stevie as he saw her struggle to keep her tears at bay.

"Yeah It's all good. I came to collect Jay."

"You sure? Not to pry, but I heard you and Jay fight."

"We were just talking really loud. Sorry about that. Hope we didn't bother you guys..."

"Well you and Jay are more than welcome to hang around. I'm sure Jared will appreciate it.", said Stevie as he walked her the studio.

Anka declined his offer and went to pick up Jay who was being taught to play violin by Tomo. She greeted everyone and went to pick up the boy underneath Shannon's curious look. Nothing went past him in these last couple of days.

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