DamianxMale!Reader (Smut)

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A/N: So there's a little back story. You were kidnapped by Talia & tortured for about a week - a month. And your both about 16-17.
You and Damian had been dating for about a year & 1/2 now, both of you agreeing that sex was something that you two could wait on. But Damian wanted you, he really wanted you, & being the blunt man he was he simply stated it.

"(Y/N)." Damian startes.

He was seated behind you, his arms around your torso, chin on your head & you answered him with a slight hum.

"We should attempt intercourse." He states.

You stiffen instantly, Damian peered down at you curiously, & you hide your face.

"W-what?!" You squeak.

Damian vainly attempted to pry your hands from your face, & let out a frustrated noise when he failed.

"Beloved?" He asked calmly, "What's wrong?"

You shake your head, you couldn't tell him. You wanted Damian had wanted him for awhile, but you just couldn't.

"Beloved?" He asked again.

You shake your head shooting up & running to your room, Wayne manor wasn't to hard to navigate now that you had been living there for a few months. You heard Damian hot on your heels.

"(Y/N)!" He yelled.

You only slammed the door in his face & threw yourself under the blankets.

"Beloved," Damian called, "open the door."

You answered with a squeaked no. Waiting a moment & then soft voices sounded on the other side.


Damian crossed in his arms, fingers drumming against his bicep.


Dick poked his head out his door, confusion gripping his features.

"Go away Grayson." Damian hissed.

Dick sighed, this was a big brother moment.

"So (Y/N) locked himself in his room?" Dick asked.

Damian have a sharp nod in response.

"So what happened?" Dick asked.

"I stated to (Y/N) that we should attempt intercourse." Damian sighed, "And he reacted strangely."

Dick opened his door more, waving his younger brother inside, defiantly a big brother moment. Damian accepted after glancing back at (Y/N)'s room. Damian took a seat in Dicks desk chair, while Dick set on his bed, & took a breath.

"So you suggested to having sex... to (Y/N)?" Dick started.

Damian nodded, expression pinched.

"And he reacted strangely?" Dick asked.

Again Damian nodded, Dick took a deep breath.

"How did he react?" Dick pressed.

"Well after I stated my thoughts, he stiffened up, & then covered his face. It was all very strange. Then when I asked what was wrong he ran to his room." Damian states with a sigh.

Dick blinked then smiled.

"He's embarrassed." Dick grins.

Damian blinked a few times.

Batfamily & Kryptonian x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now