Clark Kent x Male!Reader: New Guy

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There won't be smut here, just a little fluff
You had been work at the daily planet for a month now, you had joined in hopes of writing inspiring pieces in the news paper. But all you had accomplished was to piss off Louis Lane, annoy Perry, & worst of all you had no idea why! And on top of that you hadn't even got to meet Superman yet! Well there was one good thing, Clark Kent, who always seemed to be the nicest guy in the world was your friend.

You sigh as you stir your coffee again, this day was already dragging down your mood. It was only lunch time, & you walked down the street. Clark had called in sick, Louis pushed all the papers off your desk, & Perry yelled at you again. You lift the cup to your mouth, not even noticing the car heading straight for you.

"Watch out!" Someone yelled.

You only had enough time to swivel you head, see the car, & think oh shit. You blinked, pain exploded in your side, you coffee flew & something warm had a hold of you. You jerk up startled, you look around, you were flying! Or at least something that could fly was holding you, & there was only one thing that could.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

You look over & sure enough Superman is holding you. His arms around your back & knee.

"Y-yeah." You squeak.

He smiles at you, & you blush ducking your head. Holy crap! Superman just saved you, was know holding you & his smile was so hot. He floats setting down on the street, & slowly lets you down. You let out a slight groan, your side throbbing. Superman instantly looked terrified.

"I think you grabbed me too hard." You grunt.

"I didn't break anything did I?" He asks quickly.

"Nah!" You laugh, "I can take a little pain."

He looks at you worriedly, & you grin back at him.

"Sorry about your coffee." He notes.

You shrug.

"Its just coffee, it was cold anyways."

He laughs, that laugh made you knee wobbly.

"(L/N)!" Someone shots.

"Uh-oh..." you mumbled.

Perry came charging at you, even Superman gulped a little.

"Mr. Perry!" You say quickly, "Sorry I can-"

"What the hell were you thinking!" Perry shouts.

You gawk, what?

"Damn it kid!" Perry snapped, "I thought you got yourself killed!"

You blink a few times.

"Uh, sorry?" You ask.

"Damn right your sorry!" Perry yells again.

So the guy actually had a heart. You glance over & find Superman still there.

"Superman." Perry states, "Good thing you were in town, or i'd have to search for a new employee."

Superman smiled again.

"Yes sir it was." He states.

"So are you willing to do an interview for the Daily Planet?" Perry pressed.

You fought the urge to groan.

"Certainly," Superman answered, "as long as (Y/N) is the one that interviews me."

You jaw hit the dirty. Superman wanted you to interview him?! Seriously?!

"Course he will! Right (Y/N)." Perry agreed.

"Y-yes sir!" You say quickly.

Superman flashes you another smile before flying off & leaving you staring. Wait, how the hell did Superman know your name?!


You set on the roof of the Daily Planet, staring off at the skyline of the city. You play lightly with the notebook in your hand, & sighed. It had been 2 days since 'The Rescue', you hadn't seen Superman since, of course you had seen him flying by but not physically in person.

"Your gonna catch a cold." Notes a voice.

You spin around, Clark Kent was standing a good 10 feet away from you.

"Jesus!" You gasp, "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

You lean back against one of the walls & Clark laughs lightly. You walk over to him & give the man a hug. He stiffens a little & then silently pats your back. You pull back grinning, & pat his shoulder. You two set & talked for awhile, Clark told you about how Mrs. Kent was doing, how the farm was. You gushed about your Superman encounter, which Clark congradulated you on.
As you were getting ready to leave when you grabbed his arm, & pressed a piece of paper into his hand. And left a kiss on his cheek.

"You still owe me an interview & coffee." You note.

You leave a shocked Clark standing on the roof of the Daily Planet.


A/N: There will be a part 2!! Bare with it, its not over yet folks!!

Batfamily & Kryptonian x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now