(Part 2) Red RobinxMale!Catlad!Reader

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A/N: so this one will most likely have smut. If not then i'll make a part 3!
You had been avoiding Tim for the last week, not really hard in a house this large.
"Hey! (Y/N)!" Someone called.
You were at the moment sitting on top of a book shelf, dozing off. You look down to find Tim standing below you, & you instantly become flustered.
"H-hey!" You say quickly, "Need something?"
He smiles at you, & waves a hand for you to come down. You jump off, landing lightly on your feet.
"Are you avoiding me?" He asks.
You freeze & then sigh.
"Yes." You answer.
Tim looked shocked & a little heart broken.
"Did I do something wrong?" He asks.
You shake your head, & he looks confused.
"Then why?" He presses.
"Because," you grimace, "i'm uh Catlad."
Tim sucks in a fast breath, you could understand why. You did make him cream his pants last night.
"Your, oh my god!" He yelled.
You wince, & turn away from him. He was gawking at you as you walk off. You run as soon as your far enough away, just run, not caring where you go. You make it to your room & collapse on the bed. The tears come with a vengeance, & you sit there gasping for breath as the sobs rack through your body. You didn't notice the way the door was cracked open. Nor did you notice Bruce walking by & hearing your soft whimpering. He knew of your activities toward Tim, he didn't disprove, but he hoped it didn't break your heart.

You set on a roof, bored out of your mind, you would be going down on Red Robin (Tim Drake) right now, but it was a little hard when he knew your identity. You let out a frustrated noise & stood up, you had to burn off the frustration. Your ear piece fizzled for a second.
"Catlad." Batman states, "Robbery going down on 5th, think you can take care of it?"
"Sir yes sir." You sigh.
Batman made a noise on the other end, but you flicked off your com & darted off to the location.

You enter the bank through a vent, & look down in horror to find the old veterinarian crouched in terror. One of the robbers banished a gun.
"Anyone makes a noise & I put a bullet between your eyes!" He yelled.
A growl escapes you & you slink out into the room. A kid looked at you, you wink, & put a finger to your lips. The kid nods & you launch into action. The first guy went down easily, money went flying. The second guy landed a blow, but went down as well. The third guy was the tough one, he had the gun & was surprisingly an excellent shot. But your beat him as well, leaving you with a bullet wound in your leg. You limp around as you wait for the cops. The old Vet watches you worriedly, & you slip a handful of bills into her pocket.

Batman looked ready to break some bones when he heard the report on your condition. Alfred stated it wasn't a deep wound, but still I would hinder you from working for about a month or two. You argued that you were fine, but Alfred was stubborn & made you stay still.
You set on the infirmary bed, suit discarded near by, completely naked under the thin sheet. Alfred had just finished removing the bullet when a flustered & terrified Red Robin burst in.
"Howdy." You state.
Tim let out a noise, then he was by your side instantly.
"Are you alright?" He rushed, "What happened? Bruce said you got shot, your not dying are you?!"
You let out a snort, & he gawks at you.
"I got hit once," you state, "just a scratch."
Alfred made a noise of disapproval.
"You won't be able to walk without a crutch for at least 2 week." He states, "And a large amount of bed rest."
You let out a frustrated groan & kick the blanket with your good leg, causing it to expose more skin. Tim gulped, blushing lightly.
"Master Timothy," Alfred states, "could you watch Mister Kyle while I patch up Master Bruce?"
Tim nodded a little, not trusting his voice. Alfred left, & Tim looked anywhere but the man on the bed.
"Do you hate me?" You suddenly ask.
Tim looked up shocked, you were staring at the ceiling, hands fisted up in the blanket.
"What?" He squeaked.
"Do you hate me." You state again, "After all i'm a villain."
Tim stood still for a moment, before he moved. Tim jumped up on the bed, straddling you, & slamming both hands into the pillow on either side of your head. You squawk & staring up at him shocked. He had a determined look in his eyes, & Tim clenched his hands.
"I don't hate you." He whispered.
You stare at him in shock. He stares back, face flushed, hands shaking a little as he attempted to keep up his courage.
"You were the one avoiding me." He states, "I thought you didn't like me."
You gawk, then placing one hand on the back of his neck & the other gripped his hip. You yank him into a firm kiss, you lips moving in sync, he whimpered softly as you licked into his mouth. He let out a moan as your fingers massaged his hip & your tounge ventured around his mouth. You pull apart, both gasping a little, & then the door was opening.
"Drake," Damian notes, "once your done trying to suck my brothers face off, father needs your help."
Tim let out a noise & you laugh loudly.
Its been a month since you bank bullet accident, & you were about to bust. Tim & you had only made out, but no sex, not even a handjob! You were sitting on the couch, watching TV. Tim walked into the room, & practically fell onto you. You stroked his hair, kissing his hand & he hummed.
"Long day?" You ask.
"Just really annoyed." He states.
You nod, this usually happened when Tim got home.
"Want me to stop by the offices?" You ask.
He shakes his head no, which causes his nose to brush your crotch. A soft gasp escapes you as Tim stops moving completely. You attempt to keep from blushing, until he moved again, one of his hand to come up & press against your crotch. A groan escapes you, & you bit it off as Tim presses a little harder.
"Are you really this sensitive?" He asked.
A whimper escapes you..
"I haven't even touched myself for almost a month." You grumble.
Tim makes a noise, then is pulling you to your feet. You follow him to his room, where he shoves you against the door.
"Tim wha- hey!" You gasp.
Tim was on his knees, pulling your sweat pants down, & freeing your cock. He looked slightly impressed, you were a good 9-10 inches. He leans forward, licking a slow stripe up from tip to root, pulling a soft moan from you. You put one hand over your mouth & the other gripping the door. You moan as his lips wrap around the tip & his hands grip the base tightly.
"Ah! T-tim!" You gasp out.
Tim smirks & slides his lips further down your shaft. You gasp for breath, eyes half lidded & fingers clawing at the door. Tim hummed softly around your cock, making you grunt softly. Tim looked up at you through his lashes, azure eyes burning with lust.
"T-tim, ah, stop!" You groan out.
Tim pulls off with a pop, & you move faster than he thought. Tim was now the one pressed against the door, his back facing you. You unbutton his slacks, lips brushing that sensitive spot behind his ear. The zipper slid down slowly, Tim whimpered softly as you sink your teeth into his neck. You slide one hand into his boxers, running teasing fingers up his hot shaft.
"(Y-Y/N)!" He gasped out.
"Shh, Red." You whispers, "The funs just begun. Your gonna be sore tomorrow."
Tim moaned softly, & you slip the band of his boxers down his ass, you sink to your knees. Spreading his cheeks, & licking up the crack. From the moan Tim released, he was enjoying it. You massage his hole open with your tounge. He moaned softly, this was going to kill him. Your tounge breached him, you slowly poke him open, adding your fingers when he moaned for more.
"A-ah!" Tim groaned, "(Y/N)!"
You answer by humming softly, pulling another moan from him. Fingers scissoring apart, tounge sliding deeper, & Tim let out a cry as your fingers brush against his prostate.
"(Y-Y/N)! Please!" He gasped out.
You stand up slowly, it had been awhile since you had sex stand up. You turn him around, grip his thighs & forcing him to wrap his legs around your waist. You positioned him, he wriggled teasingly. You press past the rim, pulling a moan from the both of you.
"More." Tim whined.
You answered by pressing in more, the groan that escaped him made you want to just thrust all the way in. Tim tugged on your hair, his face was flushed, eyes clouded with lust, & lips parted with soft pants.
"Stop being so fucking gentle." Tim ground out, "I can take the pain."
You look over his face & then smirk. You slam him down onto your length, a gasp escapes him. You still, had you hurt him? Tim gasped for a moment, leaning back against the door. You watch in fear as Tim adjust to you. Tim pryed open his eyes, his hips twitched, then they rolled. A groan escapes you, & you meet him with your own thrusts. The two of you moan & gasp as you both neared climax. You grab Tim's lengthing hair, & tug on it. He answered by digging his nails into your shoulders & moan loudly.
"Ah! T-tim!" You groan, "Fuck I'm-"
Tim groaned, then he leaned forward & bit down on your neck. A loud moan leaves you as you cum in him, eyes rolling shut & body stilling. Tim panted against you, his own release covering both of your chest. You start to pull out when Tim makes a noise of protest.
"Stay in." He whispers.
You nod against his head, & lay the two of on his bed. You pull a blanket over you both & nuzzle against Tim.
"When we wake up," Tim mutters, "I'm gonna ride you."
A groan escapes you.
"Anything you want birdy." You answer.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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