Clark Kent x Male!Reader: New Guy Prt. 2

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You sipped your tea, humming as the hot liquid warmed your throat. You had been home 10 minutes, wondering if Clark had understood what you had meant, was he going to show? God you hopped so. You stretched when the door bell rang, you looked through to peep hole to find Clark Kent in the other side, carrying 2 cups of coffee. You opened the door with a smile, letting the man in. He set the cups down, he seemed irritated.

"How?" He instantly demanded.

You just pick up the coffee with your name on it, & take a sip.

"Mm, tasty." You note.

Clark slammed a hand onto the table, growling lowly.

"How did you know?" He demanded.

You sigh, looking him in the eye & smirking.

"Your cologne." You state.

He gawks at you for a moment.

"When Superman a.k.a You picked me up & saved me from getting ran over, I just a big whiff of cologne." You sit down, "Then when I saw you, I could smell it again, but I had to be sure. And sure enough, I was right."

Clark set down slouching forward, head in his hands.

"Hey i'm not gonna tell anybody." You note.

His head snapped up, he stares at you for a second, then sighs softly.

"Why not?" He asked.

You shrug, & take another sip of coffee.

"Cause I don't really care." You answer, "Your still you, just you wear tights sometimes."

Clark blinked a few times, then sighs softly.

"Well I guess its good to have at least one friend who knows my secret identity." He notes.

You smile at him, then pick up a notepad.

"About that interview?" You state.


You placed the finished article on Perry's desk, grinning, & Perry raises an eyebrow.

"You even have a photo!" He gasps.

"Uh-huh," you state pleased, "he even posed for it."

Perry stands up slowly, eyes wide, & for a moment you worry for his health.

"How the hell?!" He yells.

You try your best to force back the smile, & Perry congradulates on being the first rookie to get something good. You bask in the afterglow most of the morning, humming happily as you heat up your lunch.

"You know he's just being nice?" States a voice from behind you.

You look back to find Louis Lane standing 5 feet away.

"Whatever Louis." You sigh.

There goes your happy mood.

"You don't know him like I do." She growled, "You never will."

You sigh, silently stirring the heated food, she was such a sore loser...

"(Y/N)!" Someone called.

You look over at the door to find Clark smiling at you, & you smile brightly back. Good mood back in place.

"Hey, wondering if you- oh hello Louis!" He states.

Louis smiles at him, she walk past him, grabbing his ass on purpose. Clark let out a slight yelp & you looked at him confused.

"Just," he sighed, "we broke up a few months a go."

You hum in acknowledgement, chewing on your lunch.

"So uh," Clark notes, "are you free tonight?" He asks.

You blush slightly, eyes widening.

"Are you asking me out?" You squeak.

Clark wouldn't meet your eyes, he wrung his hands

"I mean uh, there's an art gallery in Gotham, & I have an extra ticket." He mutters.

You smile at him, & he ducks his head.

"I'd love to." You answer.

Clarks lips spread in a blinding smile & he hugs you quickly. You squeal in surprise & then giggle as he spins the two of you around. Looks like your best friend just be became your boyfriend.

Batfamily & Kryptonian x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now