Valentine Day: Dami,Tim,Jay,Dick

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Sorry it's late, & a little note. For the Dick one men can give birth.

Damian Wayne:

Damian had been avoiding you most of the morning, confusing you greatly. You were sitting in your last class before lunch, Tim was seated next to you. He nudges you & you smile back. Damian wasn't breaking up with you was he? On Valentines day? Would he? You two had been dating for 6 months now. You were so worried you didn't notice Tim texting someone.
You entered the lunchroom, & stopped dead. Dick was holding up a sign with an arrow pointing to the door outside.
"Dick?" You asked confused.
He just smiled & winked at you. You walked outside, you spotted Jason leaning against his bike, holding another sign.
'Head to the place where we first meant.
You eye Jason a little scared, he just jerked his head to the front gates. You track to it, finding Tim holding another sign, & smiling brightly at you.
'Beloved, your near me now, go to the place I asked you out on a date.
You sigh, this was exhausting...
You entered the library, & almost yelped, Bruce was sitting at a table, holding yet another sign.
'Last one, I swear. Go to the gym, & bring the blindfold.
You take the blindfold silently, & allow Bruce to lead you to the gymnasium. You felt strange, not being able to see your surroundings. You were lead up stairs, onto a stage?
"Wha-" you start.
The blindfold was removed, you blinked a few times, & gasped. Damian was standing in the center of a giant heart, wearing a proper suit, hair slicked back, & blushing. You walk to him confused, what was going on?!
"Beloved," he states, "we have been dating for over 6 months now. And today is Valentines day."
You blush deeply, & he smiles at you. Damian stepped closer, & took your hands.
"I know its a little corny," he notes, "but will you by my Valentine?"
You hug him tightly, & nod into his shoulder.
"Y-yes." You say softly.
He tipped up your head, smiling at you, before pressing his lips to yours. You kissed him back, slow sweet, loving, until it was interrupted. Jason let out a whistle, Dick cheered, Tim laughed, & Bruce smiled.
You break away, flipping them off.

Tim Drake:

Tim was planning something, you could just tell, he was ducking out on a lot of things, making excuses. You tip toe into his room, the two of you were friends, had been for years, & you spent a lot of time in his room. You spotted the box of chocolates, the flowers & almost fainted. It was Valentines day, of course, you were such an idiot.
You leave heart heavy, he must have a girl, someone he's talking to. You run into Jason on the way out, he tried talking to you, but you were in a sort of daze. You had liked Tim, had since the day you got to know him, thats why it hurt, why you felt kind of numb. Tim doesn't like you, not like that, he never would, he was your friend. You fell asleep with those thoughts, tears drying on your face.
You were awoke by someone knocking on your door, & you groan.
"(Y/N)!" Damian called.
"What?" You shout back.
"Breakfast is ready." He answered.
You responded by throwing your alarm clock at the door & causing it to shatter. You didn't feel like moving, you were too sad. You listened to Damian leave, & snuggled back into your blankets, listening to the silence. Which was shattered by someone else tapping on your window. You lifted your head, & fought back tears. Tim was sitting on your ledge, smiling widely at you & waving you to open the window. You dragged your self out of bed & opened it. He jumped in & instantly tugged you to your closet. You grumbled as he started tossing clothes on your bed. He was dressed in a trench coat, covering every inch of skin but his head. That was werid, but its also Tim, so you just go with it.
You stood next to Tim, arms crosses, aura dark. Tim was unlocking the door to an abandoned warehouse, humming some song. You tugged on the suit again, Alfred had brought it to you a few days ago. It was (Y/F/C), accenting your (E/C) & (H/C), Damian even said it made your eyes sparkle. Tim unlocked the door, disappearing into the pitch black interior, hand reappearing, beckoning you inside. You walked in, huffing in annoyance, & were welcomed by complete darkness. The door slammed behind you, making you yelp & jump. Tims arm circled your waist, pulling you against his body, & causing you to blush. He chuckled softly into your hair, you shoved his shoulder, but he didn't let go.
"Tim." You sigh, "Why did you drag me all the way here?"
Tim shushed you, before he pushes some hair behind your ear, & took your hand. Something warm brushed the back of your hand, causing you to shiver. He leads you to what you assume in the center of the building. His lips pressed to your ear, & whispered softly.
"Stay here, & count to 10."
Then he was gone, steps fading, & you started counting.
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10." You call out.
A loud bang sounds, then the lights flicker on, you gasp, eyes widening. The enter floor was covered in red rose petals, a path leads to Tim, whose wearing a classic suit. Roses sit around you, forming a perfect heart, & batarangs form a question above Tims head.
'Will you be my Valentine?'
You gawk a little, Tim walks up to you worried, & you tackle him in a hug. Sending petals flying & covering you both.
"Yes! Yes!" You gasp out.
He laughs, & wraps both arms around you. You pulled back, blushing darkly, & Tim set up with you.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I-i thought this was for some girl." You say softly.
He sighs softly, then pulls you close & kisses you. You let out a surprised noise, & grip his shoulders, he response by slipping in his tounge. You moan softly into his mouth, & he smirks. He pulls back, pulling you both up to your feet, & leads you to an elevator.
"What's up here?" You ask.
He just kisses your cheek & you blush again. You reach the top, he opens the door & you enter a bedroom type room. He leads you to the bed, & you find it covered in chocolate boxes.
"Your going to make me fat." You joke.
"That just means I get more of you." he answers.
You blush & giggle. To your confusion your phone goes off. You answer it, finding Damian texting you.
Little d: stay away from Drake.
Little d: seriously, he's up to no good.
Little d: (Y/N)?
Little d: are you with Drake?
Little d: (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)!
You: see you at dinner D.
You place your phone on the floor as Tim's arms wrapped around you, & he kissed the back of your neck.
"Wanna go on a date?" He asked.
You giggle, & nod again. He hums happily & runs his hands up under your suit jacket.
Let's just say you don't see the others until tomorrow, & you have to hide all the hickeys.

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