(Part 1) Red RobinxMale!Catlad!Reader

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A/N: just a real quick back story! Your the son of Catwoman, & Batman. Anyways, your a villain, sort of.
So its not really anything yet, just a quick idea. Give me your thoughts, & I might make it its own book!
You swing your body across to the next roof, grinning happily at the jewels in your bag. It was good you managed go give Bats the slip, although his red birdy was following you.
"Stop!" Red robin shouted.
You just laughed, & kept moving, can't let him catch you! You were landing on the street again, when a hand gripped you arm tightly.
"Hand over the jewels." Growled a voice.
You pout lightly, Batman picked you up dangling you a few inches off the ground. Red Robin landed behind you, hands on his knees gasping a little.
"Now." Batman growled.
You laugh slightly.
"What does papa Bats need to take a nap?" You tease.
Batman tightened his grip slightly.
"Your going to break his arm." Red Robin notes.
Batman sets you down on your feet again, lessening his tight hold, & you smile.
"Aw look at that," you tease, "papa really does have a heart."
"Papa?" Red robin asked.
Batman just glared harshly at you, & holds out a demanding hand.
"Give them over," Batman snaps, "(N/N)"
Your head snaps up, & you snarl at him.
"Don't call me that!" You yell.
Batman just stares down at you, you sigh in defeat & hand over the pouch. Batman let's you go, & you turn to leave, coming face to face with Red Robin. You smirk slightly, getting into his space, & he blushes nervously. Your suit left nothing to the imagination, & you knew it.
"So handsome," you purr, "what's your name?"
"R-red robin." He answers shakily.
Batman was making a call to someone, & you grin. You step closer, whispering in Red Robins ear.
"Well, Red how about after you save Gotham," you smirk, "you pay me a little visit?"
You run a slow finger down his chest, biting his ear slightly, & Red Robin let's out a gasp.
"Catlad!" Snaps a sharp voice.
You pull back, slipping on an innocent mask.
"Hi mom!" You state brightly.
Catwoman stood next to Batman, eyebrow raised.
"What?" You sigh, "I got bored!"
Catwoman let's out her own sigh, she motions with her hand for you to leave. You do so, but you shoot Red Robin a wink, & lick you lips.
"Offers still on the table," you smirk, "Pretty bird."
Then you leap away, & Red Robin is left with an erection, & totally confusion.
You sit on the many rooftops of Gotham, humming some tune you heard on portal. A soft meow sounded from behind you, & you look back.
"Hey little kitty." You coo.
You scoop up the small cat, & carry it to a door, you open the door. The older veterinarian lifts her head & smiles.
"Did another one find its way out?" She asked.
You nod, setting the little thing on the floor, & watch it trot off.
"You certainly have a way with them." The old woman states.
You give a slight smile.
"I love animals." You state lightly.
You walk over to the woman, & hold out a thick hand full of bills.
"Oh?" She states confused.
"I uh saw how low things were getting, so thought i'd help." You mutter.
She takes the money, a soft smile gracing her face.
"See you later!" You call back.
You run out of the building & a few blocks until a figure catches your eye. It was Red Robin, keeping an eye on you? Did he see what you did? You sigh & keep running, hoping he didn't tell Batman...
You sit on your couch, stating silently at the TV.
"For someone who steals, your place isn't really that nice." Notes a voice.
You let out a yelp & jump off the couch. You look up to find none other than Bruce Wayne standing in your doorway.
"Jesus H Christ!" You gasp.
Bruce smirks at you, before calmly entering the room.
"Why are you here?!" You snap.
"Selena called me." He states.
You made a noise, Bruce looks back at you.
"So it was that bad?" He asked.
You turn away, & cross your arms.
"Its none of your beeswax!" You hiss.
Bruce sighs softly.
"You could come live with me." He notes.
You let out a snort & shake your head.
"Right!" You bark, "A vigilante, & a Villain living under the same roof?"
Bruce smirks slightly, & you shake your head.
"Your not really a villain though, are you?" He asks.
Your shoulders stiffen.
"You steal," he states, "but when you sell it off, you give most of the money to the poor or struggling. You keep just enough to survive."
You spin on him eyes dark with rage, & hands clenched.
"Fuck you!" You snap, "I don't need you watching me! You asshole! I am not a baby!"
Bruce looked at you, eyes almost sad. He walked right up to you, & you flinch away in terror. Did you finally push him far enough? Was he going to hurt you? Bruce pulled you close, & just held you to him, nose buried in your hair.
"Your my son." He whispered, "I am not going to stop worry about you. I just want what's best for you."
You slowly raise your arms & wrap them around him.
"Come live with me." He presses, "Please, just stay for awhile."
You take a shaky breath.
"Alfred misses you," he whispers, "and you'll have 4 brothers, we have pets now. It'll be so much better than it was."
You let out a soft whine, had he really changed this much.
"I can leave when ever I want?" You ask.
Bruce nods slightly, & you sigh.
"Just... for a few night." You relent.
Bruce smiles widely into your hair, & you glare.
"Shut up!" You grumble.
You stretch out your arms, taking a breath & relaxing back into the position.
"Are you doing yoga?" Pesters a voice.
You pry open one eye & are greeted by Damian. He was sitting on the floor watching you closely.
"No i'm trying to break my back." You snap.
He gives a slight snort, & you smirk just a little. Damian wasn't your favorite brother, but it was okay, you liked it here.
"Hey what's he doing?" Notes a another voice.
You glance up to find Tim standing behind Damian, you sigh. Tim was a little difficult to explain, he was cute, & easily flustered. But you had all your flirting time on Red Robin, & man was it funny. You let out a snicker remember how he reacted last night.
You had him pinned to a wall, & he was moaning as you rolled you hips with his. He was rock hard, & hickeys were forming on his neck. Of course the fun was cut short as a call came in about some guy robbing a bank. You had to release the bird, but left a nice big hickey just under his chin.
You zone back in when Tim let out a yelp. He was pinned by a very triumphant Damian. Tims collar was wide open, exposing a ton of hickeys. It couldn't be? Right? Tim wasn't Red Robin was he? No! Wait... why the hell we're you rock hard right now. You left the room in a rush, having to take care of your little friend.

Batfamily & Kryptonian x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now