Kid In Love (unfinished oneshot)

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I wasn't even planning on updating this today because I have no ideas on what to do. I know I'm not the best but I try. So I made this really quick. I'm now updating every three days unless you guys comment ideas you'd like to see written. Okay I know I'm starting the oneshot now. I posted this in my other book but I also wanted to post it here at your own risk. It's unfinished and unedited. It's probably terrible. I'll also probably come back later and finish it.
Raegan was watching YouTube videos because today was what he called "A lazy morning until Justin wakes up" day. He started out watching Tanner Fox videos and then ended up on a jaegan video. He decided he'd watch it through and truth be hold he didn't really know if that was the right decision. After the video finished playing he let his phone fall down to the bed. Justin's soft snores could be heard in the background but in Raegan's head it was cancelled out as his thoughts raced a mile a minute. He thought about all the sad times Justin and him had, he thought about the happy times, he thought about the lonely times, the ups and downs they've had, everything they've accomplished, everything they've failed at, he thought about it all. While Raegan was deep in thought Justin had woken up and was just watching him. Babe, is everything okay? Justin asked softly.
Shaking his head Raegan buried his head in Justin's chest and just sobbed.
Hey it's okay baby. Okay? Whatever happened to make you this emotional I'm not sure of, but, we'll get through this. Do you want to tell me what happened?
Raegan pulled back and grabbed his phone. Wordlessly he pressed play and let Justin watch it. Justin didn't quite understand but soon he would. When the video ended, Justin looked up questionable to Raegan. Without raising his head Raegan quietly answered, I just started thinking about everything we've done. The good the bad the dirty. The happy times and the sad times. All the memories we created. I guess I just really never took anything in and it all just hit me. The support we have, the thousands of fans we have, the love we have, the apartment we have, everything. I thought about what would happen if I woke up one day and it was all a dream. What if we never met? What f none of this ever happ-'
That's as far as Justin would allow Raegan to continue.
I know Rae. I've thought about that too, but, I realized something. This isn't a dream. We really have all of this. I have you and you have me.
Nothing else was really needed to be said in that moment. Both of the boys were correct in their statements and that was that.

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