Are you okay? (Oneshot)

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*update* this is only a portion of a oneshot I'm thinking about writing. Tell me if I should continue, I think we all know what it's about.

I posted this on my Instagram and I'm going to post it on here. I'll delete it later (not the oneshot but the beginning) so when you get the second notification, ignore it.
"Jesus fucking Christ. Do some of you not realize how many people are actually in our fandom/family??? Just because he can't get to every single one of us doesn't mean he doesn't love us. Grow the hell up an understand how busy he is. It's okay if he doesn't get to you. You don't need his individual attention if he loves us all the same. He is busy doing things for us. So calm yourself and sit down or get the hell out. I'm honestly so fucking pissed and it takes a lot to get me actually upset. I really hate this fandom sometimes *deleting later*"
Are you happy? Are you okay? Do you need help? Can you hear me?
All those questions get asked over and over again. Like a never ending cycle. Sometimes your body needs a break, your brain shuts off. You go numb and you don't hear, you don't feel, and you don't see. You get so far deep into your mind that you don't hear what the people are saying. But there's always one person to bring you out of that part. It can be anyone, your best friend, your partner, your parents, a stranger, it doesn't matter. The point of the mater is, it feels like you're drowning until someone pulls you out. Then you can breathe again, you see again, you feel again, and you aren't numb.

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