Duet? (oneshot)

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*Justin's pov*
  It was around one and Raegan was out grabbing us food. I had the urge to go live so I grabbed my laptop and set up the background. Once the notification sent out that I was live the comments started coming in. The first twenty minutes it was the usual questions - Are you gay? Are you trans? How are you? Follow me? Where's Raegan? Call Raegan? Tongue Roll? Guest me? -
Until one of them caught my eye, "Can you and Raegan do a duet on YouTube?", I quickly responded with that I can't sing but I'll ask Raegan about it. Everyone started freaking out which made me giggle. I was about to answer another question but Raegan called me.
- call begins -
Raegan: Hey sonnn
Justin: hello
Raegan: I'm on my way back and I saw that you were live
Justin: Yeah I'm still live so no swearing
Raegan: oh shit
Justin: *whines* Really
Raegan: *laughs* Okay I have to go. I'll be home in ten minutes.
Justin: I'll see you then. Bye Rae.
Raegan: Bye Jay.
- call ends-
  "I don't know how many of you guys heard that but Raegan's going to be home soon so I might get off then. I'll ask him about it so don't freak and we'll probably go live again later around five pm." I  informed my audience. The livestream continued like normal until Raegan got home. He wanted to end it so we could eat. We said our goodbyes and promoted our other social media sites.
- time skip-
*Raegan's pov*
After Justin and I ate it was around 3pm. Justin told me that he wanted to take a shower before we went live again. I said okay and asked him if he wanted to tell them the secret today or did we want to wait. Jay said he had a better idea then just telling them live and he'd explain it further once he was done showering. While he cleansed (I'm not even sorry) his body I looked around our apartment to see what I could do. It looked like world war three had just taken place so I'm assuming Justin had decided to trick. I chuckled lightly and started cleaning. After 45 minutes I heard the shower turn off and Justin screaming. Worriedly I ran to our bedroom and saw him standing on top of the sink. I sigh and ask if he saw another spider.
"IT WAS MUCH WORSE THAN A SPIDER" Jay screamed at me.
"WELL WHAT WAS IT THEN JUSTIN?" I screamed back.
I rolled my eyes and said "yeah right boy. You probably iMAGINED IS THAT A FUCKING MOUSE OH MY GOD"
Justin mimicked me and said "NO YOU PROBABLY JUST IMAGINED IT."
After I said that Justin and I both realized that one of us would have to get down and call for backup. Seeing as though Justin wasn't wearing anything, I decided to brave the waters. "Okay I'm just going to go grab the phone and come back. If I see the mouse I'll just throw something at it." I started to get down until Justin screeched "WAIT YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME ALL ALONE. WHAT IF IT TRIES TO EAT ME?"
Pondering it for a minute I calculated that he wouldn't be eaten and reassured him that he is much bigger than the mouse. I jumped off the sink and ran for my life. When I got to my phone the mouse had gotten itself trapped in a tube.
I picked up the tube and safely put the mouse outside and started the livestream.
*Justin's pov*
After I gathered the courage to leave my safe spot I changed into one of Raegan's sweatshirts and put on random pants. Deciding to be funny I grabbed one of his hats and told him to go live because I wanted his reaction to my outfit. I waited five more minutes until I could hear Raegan answering questions. I started walking towards the living room but stopped before I could be seen. I got on the ground and started crawling so I wouldn't be seen, right as Raegan was about to answer if he and I were dating, I jumped out from behind.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD" Raegan screamed from being scared.
I was belly laughing from how scared he looked.
"Your laugh is adorable Jay"
I rolled my eyes and asked him how he felt about my outfit. He looked at my outfit and blushed. He pulled me onto his lap and hugged me.
"My clothes and snapback make you impossibly smaller looking."
He muttered into my shoulder.
I turned around so I could look at the comments and everyone was freaking out.
We read a few and answered them until someone asked if I ever asked Raegan about the duet. Raegan questioned me about it and I told him it had something to do with what we were talking about before I took a shower.
He made a face of realization and said "He'll tell me about it later guys."
We stayed live for around two hours and then got off. I mentioned that I was hungry and Raegan agreed. Neither of us wanted to go out to get food so we ordered pizza. We ate the pizza and threw away our trash. He put on a random Netflix show and we sat on the couch. During the show Raegan asked me about the duet.
"Oh someone suggested that we do a duet on YouTube, I told them that I couldn't sing but I'd ask you."
Raegan nodded and asked if that was all.
"No. I have a plan. I'm ready to come out. I was thinking we could sing a song and then at the end kiss each other?"
Before I could explain my plan anymore, Raegan grabbed my hips and pulled me closer. "You're really ready baby?" He said with fondness.
"I'm ready. I want to tell them. But I think we should do it on the 15th. Our one year anniversary." I reassured him.
He started to cry and said "Okay. We'll film it tomorrow and post it the next day. I'm so happy."
I wiped away his tears and kissed his tear stained cheeks lightly. I lovingly rubbed my thumb over his cheekbone and whispered "I love you. So much. I love your laugh, your smile, your body, your eyes, your height, your voice, your personality, your cuddles and so much more. You make me incredibly happy Rae."
I kissed him softly and pulled away.
Raegan smiled goofily and laughed.
"Justin. You make me the happiest man alive. From the way you wake me up to the way you scare me while we're broadcasting. I love how shy you are. I love your cute little laugh. I love your laugh that not many people get to hear. I love your smallness. I love your voice. I love  your smile. I love your innocence. I love your dirtiness. I love everything about it. I love you so much. More than I can put into words."
I started crying after Raegan told me how he felt. He picked me up gently and started walking to our bedroom. He sat me softly on the end of the bed and went to grab sweatpants and change into his pjs. When he came back he was changed into a sweatshirt and shorts.
*No pov*
Raegan came back and helped Justin into a pair of sweatpants. They got underneath the blankets and just laid there together. The apartment had pandora playing throughout it. The familiar chords to "Can't Help Falling In Love" cover by Twenty Øne Piløts rang through the bedroom.
Raegan smiled softly at the smaller boy and pulled him closer.
Justin sighed contently and pulled himself into the taller boy even more.
I love you's and promises were whispered throughout the night. Until both Justin and Raegan fell soundly asleep.
- end -

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