Texts (im pissed // oneshot)

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I fucking wrote this oneshot, right? I publish it and realize I needed to add a few things. I go to unpublish it, and my dumbass deletes the oneshot. I am pissed off. But I'm going to update with happy texts so maybe I can calm myself down. That was one of my favorites as well. Goddamnit just enjoy that gay picture up top ^
My everything 😊💙 - good morning darlin'

Babyboy 😘💕 - guess what I bought todayyyy.....also it's 3pm

My everything 😊💙 - what'd you buy today?

Babyboy 😘💕 - a new hat

My everything 😊💙 - justinnnn why'd you buy another one?

Babyboy 😘💕 - well I liked what it said because it's a true statement

My everything 😊💙 - what's it say?

Babyboy 😘💕 - daddy's lil Monster

My everything 😊💙 - noice. I like it ;)

Babyboy 😘💕 - I knew you would. I also bought something else....

My everything 😊💙 - what'd you buy

Babyboy 😘💕 - come over and I'll show you

My everything 😊💙 - is that an order babyboy?

Babyboy 😘💕 - no I just want you to come over so we can cuddle and watch Netflix

My everything 😊💙 - Netflix and chill?

Babyboy 😘💕 - more like "Netflix and I don't feel good"

My everything 😊💙 - what's wrong?? Are you sick??

Babyboy 😘💕 - I'm not sick....I'm just not feeling it today.

My everything 😊💙 - tell me what you feel like

Babyboy 😘💕 - it feels like I'm suffocating. I can't concentrate on anything. If I do get to concentrate long enough I get bored and then need to find something else. I just feel like laying down and doing nothing and the I fight the urge to cry. I don't wanna cry but I feel like that's the only thing to help. I don't know how to really describe it, it's just like I can't do anything.

My everything 😊💙 - im coming over. I'll be there in ten. Me and you are going to get through this together. I'll stay with you all day and do whatever you want. We can just lay there and not talk.

Babyboy 😘💕 - I'll be waiting. I'm in my room so just tell my dad it's not a good day for me and not to bother us.

My everything 😊💙 - will do Jay. I love you.

Babyboy 😘💕 - I love you too

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