it was just silent (sad oneshot)

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Get the tissue box ready because I cried while writing. I almost didn't even post this but if I have to suffer, you have to suffer. I'm 163% okay with doing a part two of this. *update* I'll figure out the backstory later. I'm not sure how this happened but it did.
Most people wouldn't pay a second glance to a comment as simple as "why does he make you happy?". Most people would shrug it off or decide not to read it. Raegan isn't like most people. He answers questions that most people wouldn't. This question was a little interesting to him, regardless of how simple it is.
You see, most people want to know about other things. No one really asks that question. They all usually ask about how far him and Justin have gone or if they could play games. I mean how often do you notice a comment like that? Not very.
"Why do I love him? Well that's easy. I love his smile, his laugh, his eyes, his everything. I love how when he smiles his eyes light up and I swear the sun shines brighter. His laugh is so contagious that when you hear it, even if you're upset, you can't help but laugh with him. I love how his eyes change colors sometimes. I can't count how many times I've gotten lost in his eyes. I know it doesn't seem possible but it is, trust me. I love all his "imperfections" as his calls them. I love  his height. I may tease him about it a lot, but, I think he's the perfect height. I love all his freckles, whether it's noticeable in photos or not. I love how his hand fits in mine like a match made in heaven. I love how soft his hair is. I love how when he gets lost in his thoughts his tongue slightly pokes out. I love everything about him. The only thing I would change, however, is his last name."
Everyone understood why Raegan was crying towards the end. Heck, everyone watching was crying. No one, however, noticed that Justin joined right before Raegan started. People only noticed when Raegan got a call. The first thing anyone heard was someone crying as they choked out an "I love you."
Before Raegan could manage a reply, the smaller boy continued.
"You make me smile like no one else can. You make me laugh so much that by the end I'm crying but I've never been happier. You make me feel so many different things it's insane. You make me feel happy, loved, safe, and scared all at the same time. I'm scared that one day I'm going to wake up and this will all have been a dream. But I remind myself every day that this isn't a dream. This is real life. I love your morning texts to me. I love how you and I can just talk for hours without it getting awkward. Holy frick, I just love you so much. Come home to me soon, please. I can't take it much longer."
By the end of the smaller ones speech everyone was sobbing again. No one ever thought a simple question would turn up so much emotion. No one thought a simple question like that, would cause Raegan and Justin to cry like that. No one also thought the last words they would hear Raegan say, would be "Don't worry babyboy. I'm coming home soon. I love you."
and then it was silent.
No more replies. No more smiles. No more laughs. No more sunshine. No more anything.
It was just silent.

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