Chapter Three: A Ranger's Return.

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A/N: YAY! We're at the chapter were Tanner finally gets the purple dino gem! Enjoy the chapter!

RE-EDITED ON JUNE 17TH, 2017 @ 12:20PM

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TODAY WAS MY FIRST DAY at Reefside High School. I walked in the halls and looked around. "Tanner!" I heard someone shout. I turned and saw Conner, Ethan, and Kira coming my way. "Hey guys." I said. "So what class do you have next?" Ethan asked. "Science with Dr. Oliver." I answered. "Really? We're all in that same class." Ethan said.

"Dr. Oliver is an amazing teacher. I think you'll love him." Kira added. I smiled. "I think I will too." I said. We entered Science. Dr. Oliver turned to look at us. "Conner, Ethan, and Kira. Your late for the first time this year." Dr. Oliver said. "Sorry Dr. Oliver. We were helping Tanner find this class. He just moved here." Conner explained. Dr. Oliver looked at me. He studied me for a while.

"All right. Take a seat next to Conner and Ethan." Dr. Oliver finally said. I nodded and sat down in between them. Class started with Dr. Oliver talking about dinosaurs. I have to admit, it's a pretty interesting topic to talk about. The bell finally rang.

"Hey, Tanner. Can I talk to you for a minute?" Dr. Oliver said. "Yeah sure." I replied as I walked to his desk. "So you just moved here, right?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah. I did." I answered. "May I ask where you moved from?" Dr. Oliver said. I looked away. Should I really tell him that I was from the future? I sighed to myself. Maybe I should. "I'm a Ranger from the future. I live in Briarwood." I finally replied.

"A Ranger from the future? How is that possible?" Dr. Oliver muttered to himself. I shrugged. "My teammate had some crush issues and she also mentioned someone I like. So I went for a jog to clear my head. One of my best friends and crush called me and told me I needed to get back to work. And that's when I arrived here from a portal." I explained.

"I'm guessing Conner, Ethan, and Kira don't know about this?" He asked. I shook my head. "No. They don't." I answered. Dr. Oliver sighed. "All right. We need to work on sending you back home. But since you're here. You can help Conner, Ethan, Kira, and I defeat the evil forces here. Meet me at my house after school." He said. He wrote something down on a piece of paper and handed it to me.

After school, I started walking to Dr. Oliver's house. Which lead me to a forest. "Okay. This is really weird." I muttered to myself. I was walking backwards when I suddenly fell into a pit. I landed in some kind of lavatory. "Welcome, Tanner." Dr. Oliver said. I walked over to a stone. On it was some purple gem. "What did you call me here for?" I asked.

"Since you're a Ranger from the future we could use all the help we could get. Even if that means me recruiting another Ranger." Dr. Oliver responded. I chuckled. "Dr. Oliver. I would love to help you guys. Really, I would. But I lost my powers a year ago. There's no way I can help." I informed. "That's where you're wrong. I've been saving this purple dino gem for something like this. And now, it's yours." Dr. Oliver said. I grabbed the dino gem as it glowed a dark purple.

"I know about your Ranger history, Tanner." Dr. Oliver said. I continued looking at the dino gem. "I can't take this Dr. Oliver. If you know my history you know I can't. The Mystic Rangers may have forgiven me for what I did to them, but I haven't forgiven myself." I looked up at him. "I'm scared of myself, Dr. Oliver." I finished.

"Think of it this way, Tanner. You have a chance to be good from the start. I was evil once too in my Ranger days. I know how you feel." Dr. Oliver said. Suddenly, I heard a beep as I saw Zeltrax and some weird looking monster. Dr. Oliver gave me a morpher. "Go help the rest of the Rangers." Dr. Oliver said. I nodded. "I will." I said.

I headed to the place where Conner, Ethan, and Kira were. "Hey Zeltrax! Remember me?" I shouted. Zeltrax stopped and looked at me. "You!" He said. "Tanner? What are you doing here?" Conner shouted. "Helping you. But this time..." I got out my morpher and the dino gem. I placed the dino gem in the morpher. "...I came prepared." I finished. My bracelet turned into a morpher.

"Dino Thunder! Power up! HA!" I shouted. I morphed into a purple suit and helmet. It was a lot fancier than Conner, Ethan, and Kira's (A/N: Just imagine Trent's morphed form in dark purple and black.) "Dino Thunder, Purple Ranger! HA!" I shouted. "Woah!" Ethan commented. "Don't tell me Dr. O recruited another Ranger?" Conner added.

"Another Ranger isn't going to make any difference." Zeltrax said. "I'll be the judge of that." I said. "Carno Sword!" I shouted, getting out my weapon. I started fighting Zeltrax. I continued fighting him until he laid on the ground. "I got a message for your Boss." I announced.

"Tell him that the Purple Ranger has joined the party." I finished as Zeltrax disappeared into a portal. "Power down." I said. Conner, Ethan, and Kira did the same thing. "I'm shocked." Ethan commented. "I agree with Ethan on this one." Kira agreed. "All I can say is welcome to the team, Purple Ranger." Conner said. I smiled. I finally started good.

"Look out world, because Tanner is back.."

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A/N: I feel like this chapter took forever to write. Anyways, the next chapter I will actually start the episodes of the show. Since I'm on chapter three I am starting the next chapter with the forth episode. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1014 words.

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