You're not my brother you're mine (Muke)

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Hiii! Thanks for voting for this one shots. I'm in a bad Muke feels and I write this to satisfy it...

So here it is!


(Flashback to when Michael is 5 and Luke is 4)

It was some night back in December when Michael's parents brought Luke Hemmings to their house.

Luke's parents and brothers were killed in a car accident while their on the way back from Luke's brother football practice, leaving the young, innocent Luke on his own.

Since Michael's parents are fairly close to Luke's they decided to take him in since all of Luke's relatives weren't willing to.

Michael is ecstatic when he sees little Luke slightly hiding at his parents feet. Michael always want to have a sibling, and now he got one.

"Hi, I'm Michael. What's your name?" He ask to the younger and smaller boy. The other boy peeked through the gap of Michael's parents feet to look at the older boy.

"I-i'm Luke." His voice is small and squeaky, but Michael thought it was the cutest noise he ever heard.

"Nice name! You know, I always want a brother before. My friends Finn and Jack are twins and they seems really happy to have each other. But now I have you, and I could show you off to them because you're cuter." Michael say with a grin. Now, Luke wasn't really understand what the older boy are saying, but seeing Michael so happy makes him happy too. So he smiled.

And from that day Michael and Luke were inseparable.


(Going to the present time when Michael is 18 and Luke is 17.)

Remembering those days, Luke flinch at the memories. Looking at the current situation, it all feels just like a dream.

Luke doesn't know what he did wrong. But high school happened, and Michael start to push him around and make fun of him. At first Luke thought that Michael was just joking, but when it become more of a daily routine, he knew that his brother has changed.

He doesn't know what makes him do that, but in the back of his mind Luke had an idea of what makes him do this to Luke. And as much as he doesn't want it to be true, he knew that Michael knowing his crush on him was an option to why Michael is doing this to him.

And yes, you read it right. Luke has a crush on his foster brother.

"How fucked is that." Luke thought to himself.

"What was fucked?" Luke was startled when he heard that question slipped through his best friend, Ashton's mouth.

"I think you should learn to think a bit more quietly Lukey." His other best friend, Calum, teased him when he sees the startled look on his face.

"Shut up Cal. And you know what is already Ash.." Luke answer with a bitter tone, something that his bestfriends heard so many times.

"You're thinking about him again? Come on Luke, he's no good for you. All he did was just pushing you around. What did you see from him?" Ashton said to his youngest friend, face showing pure concern.

"Because I know him Ash.. He used to be nice, he used to look after me! I know how amazing he actually is, and I miss it. I miss him being nice and making me falling for him all over again. It's not that easy to get over someone as utterly beautiful as him." The youngest boy sigh in frustration, making his two bestfriends throw their arm around him as a sympathetic gesture.

"Hey, it's okay Luke. Everything will get better eventually. He'll come to his sense and stop all this bullshit going on. I assure you." Calum says with a gentle smile and Luke could do nothing but smile back to his friend.

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