Flower crown, hair dye, and a kiss in the rain (Mashton AU)

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Hi Everyone!

So now I'm lying hopelessly in a hospital because my lungs didn't deserve to be lungs and they sucks.

Or maybe my lungs just couldn't take the fact that Luke's turning 18 in two days.

So I decided to write this rather than just sitting here being bored.

This is requested by @female5sauce and she's awesome!

Just pure fluff between flowercrown!Ashton and punk!Michael. My first Mashton, yeay.


"Mikey, mikey, mikey, look at this! I made this for you. Isn't it pretty? I think it's pretty! Like your eyes, your eyes is pretty!" Ashton held up the freshly made flower crown in front of his boyfriend face, giggling at the end of his sentences.

"Well, yeah. I think it's pretty especially when you're the one who made it, but are you seriously made that for me?"

"Of course! I think the color would match your hair." Ashton says as he place the sunflower and white daisies flower crown on top of Michael's green hair, which he shrugged off later.

"Yea, no. This clearly look better on you. This thing won't match my leather jacket and tattoos." Michael handed the flower crown back to Ashton, who pouted at him and place the crown on top of his own head.

"Don't pout like that Ashy, you make me want to kiss you if you do that."

"Well kiss me then."

So Michael did.


"Ashh, stop running around. You could trip, or you could get hit by a car. I don't want you to hurt yourself. The store won't go anywhere." Michael says as he sees Ashton running on the empty street.

"Aww, but the street is empty." Ashton sulk.

"Don't care. Come here."

Ashton do as told and smile as Michael's hand found it's way to his.

"I'm just excited to pick the new hair dye! I like to pick the color. It's as exciting as making flower crown, plus you always look pretty with every color!" Ashton says excitedly.

"I'm not pretty babe, you are." Ashton beams at his boyfriend. He then stood on his tiptoe and peck at Michael's lips.

"You're the best boyfriend in the whole universe! I love you Mikey!"

"I know right?" Michael says with a wink, making Ashton giggle at him. "And I love you too Ashton."

And so they walk hand in hand to the store.


"Ugh, stupid rain. What happen to sunshine we got before?" Ashton pout and cross his arm at the bad weather, beside him, Michael stays quiet but he took off his jacket and wrap Ashton with it.

"I don't want you to be cold, you could get sick." Michael state when Ashton sees him with a questioning glance.

"Mikeyyy, you're so sweet! Thank you." Ashton then hug Michael.

"No problem. Hey, wanna do something rather than just standing here and wait for the rain to stop?" Ashton watch him with a confused glance but he nod nonetheless.

Michael took Ashton's hand and guide him to walk down the pavement. They run around like a little kid, splashing the water on the ground every now and then.

Michael then snuck around behind Ashton and held him by the waist, he then spun him around, earning a loud squeal and then giggle from the curly haired boy.

"Mikeey, stop iiit! Mikey, put me down."

"Alright, alright." Michael slowly stop spinning him around and set him on the ground.

They stand there, gazing into each other's eyes lovingly.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are Ash?"

"A million times Mikey."

"Then make it a million and one. You're so beautiful Ashton. I'm so lucky to have you."

"I'm the lucky one Michael."

"Would it be too cheesy if I kiss you right now Ash?"

"It would, but you now I don't mind cheese."

So Michael erase the gap between them. Capturing Ashton's lips with his. The kiss felt wet from the rain that dripping into them, but neither of them care. All they could feel is each other's love and so that makes them smile into the kiss.

"Wow, I finally got a kiss in the rain." Ashton giggle once they pull of from each other and Michael chuckled at his boyfriend.

"I love you Ashton Irwin."

"And I love you too Michael Clifford."




Btw, can someone give me a prompt for Malum? I haven't done Malum in here and I wanna do one but I have no idea what to write.

Btw again, this breathing machine sucks.

I love you though.

Bye guys!

Sasha x

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