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They found me.

The deafening howl of capture pounded in my ears.

They have to catch me first. I thought and sprinted further into the woods. Catching me was one of the few things the wolves in this pack could actually do. I was faster than nearly all of the TaintedMoon warriors. Even the alpha's first commander, Klaus, had a hard time catching me. Much less that weakling second.

That wouldn't be the case this time it seemed. I could feel the alpha himself chasing after me as I ran full speed. This was my second time trying running off and I guess they've had enough.

The huge gray wolf was gaining on me fast, snapping and growling deep in his chest. Of course it shook me a little to have that fury directed at me, but I wasn't a part of his pack so it wasn't the full effect.

It took him fifteen seconds to catch up to me. The gray wolf sprinted ahead of me and stopped right in my path.

I halted, a low growl ripped through his chest as he nudged me to turn around.

I did.

~ ~ ~ ~

"How many times have I told you, Falene," Klaus, the alpha's first commander growled at me. "You are not allowed to leave the grounds!"

"You know the agreements we've had to make with Alpha Garren so that we can stay here." My mother, Cleo, appeared at her mate's side with anger reddening her face. "Your father won't hear the end of it if this keeps happening!"

"He's not my father." An unexpected growl left my lips as I felt the anger rise into my chest.

The hurt look on Klaus's face made up for my mom's indifference. I don't get her.

Twenty years ago I was conceived and born as a rogue. My father was a rogue just like my mother. Why couldn't she accept that? Klaus is not my father. He will never be my father.

"We are rogues." I continued in a hiss. "Just because your mate happens to be a fairly high ranked wolf, does not mean that the rest of this pack will treat us in any halfway decent manner and I refuse to be a slave any longer than I have been. I won't stop trying to get out of here. And if you think you can change my mind about that, you're wrong."

Ignoring my mother's disappointed glare, I got up and stormed out of their cabin.

Six years ago it wasn't like this. My mother hadn't always been blinded by that stupid mate bond. She was a realistic woman. She knew what things were for us and what things were for hurting us.

Ever since we were captured by Alpha Garren and his band of sadists when I was fourteen, we've been prisoners of the TaintedMoon. They branded us and made us into slaves.

At the time, Klaus had been stationed in the North for additional training. When he returned, we discovered that my mother is his mate.

Right away they had her removed from the slaves' quarters and into a cabin to shack up with the first commander. She had forgotten about me for the first few weeks of her newfound mateship until I reminded her of my existence.

Since that day, Klaus has been trying his damnedest to earn the daddy badge.

I'm twenty years old now, which means that I'm well past the age of having to follow my mother around like some puppy. Furthermore, I have nothing to do with her mate.

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