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Kaius woke me at dawn, already dressed and ready for our hike to meet with Rue.

I still don't understand much about his physical and genetic make-up, but the man seems to be just a walking ball of energy.

Like me, he should be drained from the recent events. Though he is a very strong alpha, he's like a frickin' machine how he just can spring into action at any moment.

The bond's affects are proving to be stranger and stranger with the pairing of rogue to an alpha male who is shared with one, probably the only one to exist in this century, of the moon's most lethal of forces.

The death hound.

"Dax is waiting for us to join him outside, muffin." Kaius says patiently while I brush my teeth and wash my face. My exhaustion felt surreal as if I had been the one fighting those rogues.

Could it be my body is still adjusting? I will have to find time to myself later today and consult Roniston.

I was so groggy from my sleep, I opted for a shower after the territory is cleared.

Kai stopped me on my way to the door. "I can go alone with Dax if you need more rest. It doesn't take a doctor to see that you're exhausted. You have to remember the state you came to me in, muffin. You're still recovering and if you weren't so stubborn I would've had Roniston keep you on bed rest for days."

I rolled my eyes and nudged him out of my way. "As if I'd let any she-wolf close to you in my absence." I grumbled and trudged out of our room and towards the stairs.

I understand his need to care for me and all, but Mr. Big bad alpha's just going to have to learn I'm a machine all on my own.

The bond hasn't changed anything but my chemical make-up. I was still born a lupine and while I don't have death hound genes, I'm still pretty lethal with the average amount of training.

As we walked through the den and into the kitchen, the chef had already prepared us a light breakfast. Just enough to give us energy for our morning run.

"You know," Kaius chided. "Now that we've completed the bond, it's taking full effect. Your body is changing, muffin. The bond is preparing you to carry our pups some day. You have to go through this transition carefully or you'll strain your body too much to-"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Pups?" A snicker escaped me. "I don't know...if I'll ever be fit to be a mother and especially not now. Pups are the last thing on my mind. My body will do everything it needs to despite my choices. You worry too much about my health."

Kai chuckled at that, "never. I worry just enough. I read long ago that not only do rogues undergo chemical changes joining a pack, but mated lupines are like death hounds in the way that a mate bond brings about changes common wolf cannot fathom."

"What do you mean, you 'read' this?" I questioned as we walked through the foyer.

Kaius smiled, such a warm and welcoming smile it was almost unreal compared to his usual stern manner. "Over the years, being Alpha and leading my pack got boring at times. When I wasn't working, I did field research and in my ancestors records."

For a brief moment I pondered the amount of intel CrimsonFang were able to gather on lupines. It made me a bit wary being that I was born into a completely unpredictable breed of wolf. Even with all I've learned my twenty years of living there is so much I have no clue about. As rogues my mother and I pretty much lived day to day. She's taught me an awful lot growing up and most of it consists of survival strategy.

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