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When we were back at the den Kaius and I freshened up and ate a late lunch before he asked me to keep him company while he finished arranging plans for the ceremony in an hour.

I did nothing but sit there and watch him when I wasn't wandering around his office. I had asked plenty of times if I could help in some way, but he would just tell me everything was being taken care of and not to worry about anything.

I've never felt so useless in my life. Like I was just a box in his office taking up space.

He literally just wanted me to sit around and watch him do things. What if I want to do things?

Which I do. Three hours is more than enough time for me to see how good his fighters are.

"Muffin," Kaius looked around the computer at me. "You're annoyed at something." He commented and went back to typing.

I huffed. "I've been sitting here for the past two hours doing nothing. Of course, I'm annoyed."

"You aren't doing nothing," He said matter-of-factly. "You are keeping me company. I wouldn't rather you be anywhere else."

"Well, I would rather do something other than sit here like a box to decorate your office." I argued and I knew he could smell how tense I was because his eyebrow raised and his fingers paused on the keyboard.

Out of fear of disrespecting him, my voice was a little softer when I spoke again. "I could watch the rest of Kason's training sessions until the ceremony, of course I'll be back in time to-"

"No." He cut me off with a hard tone and went back to typing. "You are my mate, and I won't allow you near any training session without me present with you."

Initially, I was shocked that he would use an alpha command on me. Of all wolves he had to command, he picks his mate.

But a much bigger part of me was hurt by him telling me no. I had no choice but to abide because of his command, but to hell with him telling me what I can and cannot do. As if I'm a common wolf or some child.

I am his mate and Luna-to-be for crying out loud. I should be able to do as I damn well pleased.

I wanted to growl at him. I did not come here to be put back into a prison.

I could feel how bad he felt for telling me no thanks to the bond. He knew that hurt, and the smell of my disappointment was damn near suffocating him.

Why the hell did I have to stay with him? It's not like I'm going to disappear.

He's just paranoid something might happen to me, like all males are with their mates.

Which is stupid. I haven't met a wolf dumb enough to try and harm his alpha's mate.

Kaius sucked in a breath. "Muffin, please quit that. You're killing me with things I don't want to imagine."

"You shouldn't be so paranoid." I rolled my eyes. Annoyed now more than hurt. He was being unreasonable. "This is your pack. They wouldn't hurt me."

"I won't put a thing past another wolf when it comes to what is mine. Whether they are a member of my pack and especially if they aren't." His lip curled in a slight snarl at just the thought. "My answer is no, Muffin."

This time, I did growl at him. As short as it was though, it hit two different types of nerves.

"Do not growl at me, Muffin." The restriction in his voice and the tinge of challenge I smelled was enough to make my heart drop in fear.

The Alpha's MuffinWhere stories live. Discover now