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I found my mother in the TaintedMoon schoolhouse.

After Klaus claimed her as his mate, he convinced Garren to give her a decent job. She was assigned to teach the smaller children of the pack, which were mostly snotty faced three to six year olds. Goddess knows how many times I've had to clean boogers off the walls in this place.

I've never been one to like children much. Even so, I couldn't be cruel enough to shoo them away when they ran up to me to either show me some toy or ask me to play with them. They're innocent with not even the slightest tendency to discriminate as most older wolves do. It would be a nuisance to try and explain to them why they shouldn't bother with me.

Society standards; blah blah blah.

My mother was busy cleaning paint from some child's hands and face when I finally saw her.

She sensed me there and the tiny frown she always wore, vanished. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and leaned on a bookshelf under a wide window while I waited for her to finish with the kid.

When she was done, the kid scurried away. My mother heaved a tired sigh and looked at me, her smooth brown eyes smiling.

From the time that I was a kid, she used to joke that I wasn't really her daughter because I looked nothing like her. My eyes are blue instead of brown. My skin is slightly tanned as apposed to my mother's milky paleness. We almost had the same curly hair except that mine was pitch black and hers was more blondish-brown.

Mom walked over to me and held out her arms for a hug.

"It's nice that you come to see me, Lee." She kissed my cheek and held both of my hands in hers. "I worry about my baby."

I chuckled. "Don't."

"Are you okay, dear? I heard about the trial earlier.." Her voice grew soft, concern shimmered in the color of her eyes.

"I'm fine, mama."

"You have free time, then? That's great, honey. You need a break every now and then." I watched the happiness dance along the lines of her smile a few seconds longer. It's an expression I don't get to see often and I would have to savor it. She isn't going to like what I tell her.

"Actually," I took a deep breath. "I came to say goodbye... I'm leaving TaintedMoon. For good this time."

She was confused at first, then she gave me that disapproving look that I hate and let go of my hands.

"Don't tell me you're running again. You know as well as I do, that it won't be any more successful than all the other times you've tried it." She went on rambling and scolding me.

"Thanks to Klaus, Alpha Garren's been very merciful to you, Falene. When are you going to find your good sense and stop this- this useless defiance?!"

I sighed. "The CrimsonFang alpha has announced me as his mate."


I could tell she wasn't expecting me to say that of all things. Given that her chin was nearly touching the floor.

I held my breath as I waited for her reaction. A slow smile split her face despite the sad look in her eyes.

"That's amazing, baby! I'm so happy for you." She threw her arms around my neck, pulling me tight. "Alpha Kaius will make a wonderful mate."

She knows what it means. That I'll have to leave her to be with some stranger. After twenty years of it being just us, I'll be starting a new life as the possible Luna of some strange pack. I've never even been a part of a pack. How the hell am I supposed to help lead one?

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