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Yoongi's POV

I left the bathroom after erasing the remnants of the night's escapade that was adhered to my skin, leaving only light purple marks which were only visible to my own eyes - such a sneaky woman, dared enough to still leave her marks on me even when I forbid her to - and faint scratches on my upper arm where she made her desperate hold only hours ago. I entered the bedroom, followed by the steam from the hot shower and the scent of soap flowing through the air, yet they couldn't defeat the scent of sex that was still thick in that room, and the warmth could not replace the heat which our bodies created.

I laid my eyes towards the bed, welcomed by the sight of her bare back facing at me. Her body was curling under the silky blanket, above the messy sheets, her hair still sticky and disheveled above the pillows. She did not make any movements, yet by the subtle gestures her shoulder was making as she slowly breathed I knew that she was pretending to be in deep of slumber.

"I know you are awake," I spoke to her, gently lowering myself to sit at the edge of the bed right across from where she laid, just when I was about to let myself to reach out and brush my fingers on her beautiful skin that I loved so much - too much, considering everything that had happened.

She slowly stirred on her position, and I had to bite my lips to hold off the smirk from showing off as I saw how much she was having trouble only to be able to turn her body around on the bed to face me, moving her body so carefully with a soft whimper and a few huffs as if she was carrying a huge weight around her hips. I could see the outcome of our previous love making still evident on her skin, showing themselves when her blanket slightly fell off of her body, the purple marks on her collarbone and around the valley of her breast - yes I was allowed to leave them, and only me, even when she forbid me to at the beginning-, and the slight blue marks around her hips and thighs, where I held her tight during those long beautiful moments. In the end i couldn't stop my proud smile from showing off the moment I saw her beautifully swollen lips smiling, inviting me to devour them as I did just before, the moment she lifted her face to look at me.

"And how could you tell?" She asked with a raspy voice, still losing a lot of energy after wasting them by screaming out my name when I sent her to the oblivion.

"Because I know you that well," I calmly answered with a proud smile still plastered on my face, earning her softening gaze and a subtle hint of pink on her cheeks. It amazed me on how much I could still read her so well. Because I knew everything.

I knew the way she would drift her eyes from mine whenever she hid something from me. I knew how she blushed, the pinkness appearing dots by dots until she let them take over of her skin. I knew how much she loved to call my name, when we made love, when we cuddled on the couch together, when we spent time cooking our dinners, when we do our late night phone calls whenever I was far away. I knew how she laughed, how she cried, how she hid her feelings by giggling nervously just so she wouldn't make other people worry. I knew how ticklish she was. I knew every sensitive spots of her body, which of those that would make her writhe and succumb under my touch or laughed out loud when it tingled too much. I knew how soft her hair felt when I ran my fingers through them. I knew her body scent, more than I knew mine. I knew the words she would say just before she said them out loud.

I knew everything. I knew them from years of living with her and loving her, I knew them from sleeping on this very own bed for many years, I knew them from waking up next to her and falling asleep with her in my arms. I knew everything because I spent years of looking only at her and into her. And I knew too much. Too damn much, that it diminished every curiosity that I had to search for anything new in her, that it pushed me away so hard when I could read her too clearly even without her giving me any clue of what she had inside her mind, that I finally became too afraid to even touched her, and opted for another's touch. And for that I had given up that now empty spot on her bed to be taken by somebody else.

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