#3 - Home

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Prompt : "Do you want to talk about it?" + Yoongi + from Undo series

Word count: 1,465 words

Character: Yoongi x reader


You are running. You can't see or remember why you started running. Your sights are all blurry, and it had to take you a few moments and a few blinks to finally see what you are running for.

It's him.

He is standing there, smiling at the one he is holding in his arm. And it isn't you. You can't see her face, only her small figure leaning into his body, being protected safely in his arms.

You freeze, unable to render the sight before you, immediately losing all power on your knees and your legs give away, making you fall onto the ground roughly. You scream out his name at the top of your lungs as he leans down to kiss her lips.


You gasp as you inhale a deep breath, each intakes of air causes pain in your chest, dragging you roughly back to wake. It takes you merely seconds to realize where you are when you open your eyes. As you are trying to control your breaths, the state of where you are starts to sink in slowly.

"Baby? What's wrong?"

You hear a raspy voice calling from beside you before a strong slender arm pulls you gently, while you are still gripping onto the messy bed sheets underneath you to stop your body from shaking. You look over to your side the moment your body is met with the warmth of his body and your gaze is soon met with his concerned face.

"Yoongi," you called him, your voice breaking out as you were awaken with short breaths and a dried throat.

He starts stroking your hair when he realizes your body is still shaking. "Did you have a bad dream? You were mumbling in you sleep," he said to you calmly, while trying to calm you down. "It's okay, baby. I'm right here. Do you want to talk about it?"

"No," you whispered to him, hiding your face on his chest as you hug him weakly. "Just hold me for awhile."

"Okay," he said while tightening his hold on your body, pressing you into his chest a bit more while his hand on your hair is still stroking you gently. He pulls his body away gently after a few minutes of silence, once he feels your body is starting to calm down. "Let me make you a cup of warm tea to help you relax, and then I'll hold you tight until you fall asleep."

You instantly grip harder on his shirt, stopping him from moving away. "No, please don't leave me," you pleaded him.

He falters for a short while, staring at your face to study the look on your face and the nervous gaze in your eyes that are brimming with tears threatening to fall. "Y/N," he said, reaching to place one of his palm on your pale cheek and the other at your back to turn your body so you are now facing him. "Talk to me. Didn't we promise to always talk about everything?"

"Y- yes, but-" You lean forward to hold him tight and hide your face on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Yoongi. I just-" A sob came out through your lips, and you stop yourself from saying the words that might make him feeling more guilty if he ever hears the thought that is in your mind.

"It's okay, baby," he said, holding you close to his chest, stroking your hair. "Just tell me. Please."

You exhale a long sigh, pulling yourself off from his body without leaving the hold of his arms, and you looked into his eyes before speaking to him carefully, "It's just that- those long nights of sleeping in this bed without you by my side was so painful, and I felt so lonely. Sometimes the thought of you leaving me still haunts me at night, and- I'm sorry, I don't want to keep talking about it. I hate bringing it back again, I don't want my worries to give you doubt or show you that I won't be able to move on and I'm afraid that I will only scare you away."

"Shhh-," he pulls you close to him, leaning down to kiss your lips. "Don't say that. You won't scare me away, nothing is going to scare me away. Not anymore." He brushes his nose onto yours, gently stroking his hand on your hair as he continues, "You are not the only one being haunted by my fault, but it's only making me not want to leave you again. I will never let you go, ever, not when I still remember how I feel as if my soul was dying when I lost you."

His words breaks the dam that is holding your emotions back, tears came flowing out of you which Yoongi erases gently with the tip of his thumb. "I was an idiot for letting you go. I will never make the same mistake again."


Yoongi kisses your lips once more, inhaling the sobs that came out of your lips, only letting go once your breathing becomes more steady and just when you start kissing him back. "I love you," he said the moment he pulls away, before leaning back down to give you soft kisses while whispering, "I- fucking- love- you."

You lift your eyes to look straight into his eyes. "You are my home," he said, brushing his fingers on your cheek to wipe away the remaining tears. "You were my home since a long time ago and you will always be the only home I come back to, and I will love you for the rest of my life. I will do anything to erase your doubts and the pain that is still haunting you."

"I believe you," you whispered, kissing the edge of his lips. "I'm sorry for showing any doubts, but I promise I will do my best to make them go away."

"Stop saying that you're sorry. I'm the one who is supposed to apologize. I've hurt you a lot with what I did, sometimes I feel like I still don't deserve you."

"No- no- no, don't say that," you said, placing both palms on his cheeks. "I want you, Yoongi. I don't know how I'd be without you. It was too painful to live my life without you, and too painful to see you hurting. I'm sorry for making you sad again."

"I told you to stop saying you're sorry. Just say that you love me instead," he growled, kissing your bottom lip. "Why are you so stubborn? Can't you just do as I say?"

You giggled by his words. "Alright," you hummed, earning a sigh of relief from him. "Will you be bored if I keep telling you how much I love you?"

"Me? Why would I be? I'm actually afraid that you might get tired of hearing me saying that every night." He grinned at you, pulling away to show you his smug face to tease you.

You raise your eyebrow at him. "What do you mean, 'every night'? You say that almost every hour," you laughed, pushing his chest gently.

"I do?" He grins, biting his lip while chuckling, relieved to see how you are far more calmed then you were just minutes before. "Well, you can't blame me for it. I just feel like I need to say it to make up all of those weeks of not being able to say them to you."

You give him a smile, feeling your tears threatening to fall off your eyes once again, yet this time it was tears from the overwhelming warmth that is growing in your heart. "I don't mind as long as you mean it."

"Oh? Are you saying I don't?"

You only answer him with a shrug, and he suddenly pulls you down on the bed with him. "Then I will say it on every chance I have until you are tired of hearing me say it," he hums as he hovers your body, before kissing every part of your face while saying, "I love you," repeatedly between each kisses, earning a giggle to escape you.

Frustrated by how he keeps kissing you relentlessly, you pull him down and kiss his lips deeply. He lets out a grunt from the sudden impact yet he kisses you back until you let him go, and he releases a sigh as he rests his forehead on yours.

The breathing sound that you share fills the silence in the room, the soft thump of your heartbeat and the warmth that is shared between your bodies fills your heart with reassurance and the feeling of home.

You gaze up into his eyes, smiling at him while you whisper, "I love you too, Min Yoongi."


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