#5 - Memoirs

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Prompt: Yoongi + "You're quiet today." + from Undo series 

Word count: 1,022 words

Character: Yoongi x reader


The room is silent.

Yoongi is lying on the bed, eyes staring straight to the ceiling with one of his hands absentmindedly rubbing over the back of your hand that is placed over his bare chest, while his other arms is serving as your pillow underneath your neck. The only sounds filling the void are the sound of your steady breathing and his own thumping heart.

He is completely lost in his own thoughts, the need of sleep has now long gone. Until suddenly his attention is drawn back towards you the moment you stir in your sleep.

Yoongi looks down at your face to see you fluttering your eyes to open, the skin of your bare torso brushing on his side, sending warmth that gives him shivers which risen the thump of his heartbeat in matter of seconds.

"You're still awake," you hummed to him, still filled with sleep.

"I can't sleep," he whispered with his lips brushing at your forehead.

"Is something bothering you?" You pull away slightly just so you can look at his face. "You're quiet today. You've been quiet the whole day, and I think the only time you ever said more than three full sentences was when we made love earlier. I didn't say anything at all about it because I didn't want to disturb whatever that was going on in your mind."

Yoongi only chuckles before he leans down to kiss the top of your head. "You should've just asked me, though. It's not like you to keep your thoughts to yourself. We promised to tell each other everything, didn't we?"

"I know," you sighed. "I just- I feel guilty sometimes when I have to bring up- you know." You shrug, and immediately lifting your upper torso with your palm pressing down on his chest and your elbow planted on the bed to hold your weight. "But- that's only because I didn't know whether you were thinking about work, or-"

"Baby," he cut you off, lifting his finger to brush over your lips only to stop you. "You are free to talk about everything, to ask about anything. I have nothing to hide."

A sigh of relieve immediately leaves your lips. You nibble at your bottom lip before leaning down to give him a chaste kiss. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I worry so much."

"It's okay." Yoongi only smiles at you, the hand that was lying underneath your body is now stroking on your hair gently, and your body relaxes instinctively. Sighing, you bring your body back into his hold, once again sharing your warmth to each other. You rest your chin over the hand that is still palming on his chest, keeping your eyes on him to watch him speak. "I don't mind sharing my thoughts. And you shouldn't be afraid about asking me."

"I wasn't- I just- I was worried, about what would you feel, or what I would feel, if I keep talking about the past. I just don't want to keep bringing up that topic because it still hurts to look back at it sometimes, and I can't stop feeling like I am blaming you for everything. Because I don't-"

"It's okay to talk about it. In fact, I want you to always tell me whenever it comes into your mind." You frown at him, but he only smiles at you as he continue speaking. "Show me everything. Show me where it hurts, and I will mend it. Tell me what it is that still hurts and I will fix it."

You shift your position over him, sighing as you take in his every words in your mind to process everything he just told you. "Should we keep talking about it? Can't we just look past it and only see the future?"

"No," he said, shaking his head and not letting his smile fade away. "Let's keep talking about them, over and over again, until there comes the time when even as we unfold what happened in our memories, we can no longer feel any pain. That's how we know that we are much stronger, that every wound is already dried and the pain will no longer haunts us in the future."

You can't help but stare at him in awe. His words came out dragged as it is evident that his drowsiness is taking over his brain now that he is feeling much calmer after expressing his thoughts, yet they still brings hope and warmth within you. "Sometimes I just don't understand you."

"On the contrary. You are the only one who can truly understand me," he chuckled, tightening his hold over your body once he has spoken.

"You speak too highly of me, baby." You lean up to give a light peck over his jawline, brushing the tip of your nose to feel the soft stubble on his chin. "You still haven't told me what has been in your mind the whole day, though. I know you weren't thinking about these things before-"

He tuts and chuckles. "See? Told you- You understand me so well." You let out a giggle to laugh along with him, whispering him to hush and continue to answer you. "No, I was- I've been planning something in my head."

"For work?"

"No, it's for us."

"Hmmm?" You lift your face to glance at his face. "What is it?"

He gives you a soft grin. "I can't tell you just yet."

"What?" You scoffed, pushing your body off of his chest. "You said 'no secrets'," you pouted at him, causing him to laugh before giving soft pecks to your pouty lips and pull you back to him.

"It's not a secret," he whines while pulling you and position you back to lie over his chest, giving you a chance to listen to the thumping sound of his heartbeat. "It's a surprise. I will let you know when I have everything ready."

"What is it? When?"

"Soon, babe," he kisses the top of your forehead, stroking your hair once again to help you come back to sleep. "You'll find out about it pretty soon."


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