#4 - Perfumes

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Prompt: Yoongi + "Is that mine?" + from Undo series

Word count: 882 words

Character: Yoongi x reader


You have stood in front of the arrival gate for half an hour when his face finally appeared between the crowds moving in fast paced around you. At first he didn't see you, too lost in his thoughts and filled with fatigue. Until he lifted his eyes and saw you standing there, and his face lighted up at the sight of you. He walked straight towards you, immediately engulfing you within his hug.

"Welcome home," you whispered with a sigh, relieved to finally be able to feel his warmth again. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. It's been the longest two days in my life. I don't know how I'd survive if I have to leave longer," he groaned before tightening his arms around your body. He nuzzled his face and nose on the crook of your neck, before he suddenly froze the minute he breathed in your scent, all the while you were relaxing in his warmth.

"Oh, come on- This isn't the first time you leave the city to work, Yoongi," you giggled in his hold. He didn't give any answer, only nuzzling into your neck more and breathing in. "Yoongi?"

"Hmm?" He hummed into your skin.

"What's wrong?" A giggle escaped you when you could feel that he didn't only nuzzle his nose, but also brushed his lips against your skin.

He pulled back, only to be able to look at your face while he asked, "Is that mine?"

"What is?" You looked at him feigning innocence, yet you already knew what he meant.

He nuzzled his nose between the strands of hair at the side of your face. "The scent is so familiar," he chuckled.

You only giggled at his antic, "That's because it is yours."

He pulled back to face you, still keeping his arms around your waist. "How?" He frowned at you. "Did you buy the same thing?"

You shook your head. "No, you left it."

"I did? I thought I have it with me?" For a brief moment he tried to remember whether he actually had his perfume in his suitcase, or perhaps left a spare at home. Until he saw the look on your face and the sad smile creeping on your lips. And that was when he realized- "Oh-"

You released a sigh, still keeping your smile on your face. "Yeah," you answered with a scoff. "You left it back then."

"I went over to grab it, and you said you lost it. Tossed it away when I walked out the door."

"I lied," you whispered hesitantly. The painful memories came back into your mind instantly, and you could only shook your head to swat them from the back of your mind. "I just- I didn't want to let you have it and take every single thing away. I wanted to keep at least one thing from you. Although all I ever did after I kept it was to lock it away in the drawers because every thought of you would only hurt me."

Yoongi kept silent. He leaned forward to leave a soft peck on your temple, and by the touch of his lips and his skin on yours, you could feel his guilt emitting through every cells on his body. He left a few more chaste kisses on your lips, whispering "I'm sorry," between each kisses.

"I found it again when I was cleaning our bedroom and re-arranging our clothes, right after I got back from dropping you off to catch your flight," you continued. "I felt so lonely without you, so I sprayed the perfume all over our bedroom - on the sheets, the bed, the pillows, and then on my clothes. So it's as if I still have you next to me at all times."

You could feel him releasing a deep sigh while he tightened his hold on you. He nudged the tip of his nose on yours. "Does it still hurt?"

"No," you whispered to him. "All I feel now is love."

Yoongi gave you a smile, but you could still see how his eyes were glowing with tears that was threatening to fall. "I love you."

"I know," you answered him, grinning and biting your lips when he pouted at your answer. "I love you too."

He pulled you closer to give your lips the sweetest kiss, the thump of his steady heartbeat pulsating onto your palms that were placed on his chest, and you could feel him smiling in the kiss.

"Does it feel weird to be kissing someone that has the same scent as yours?" You asked him when he let you pulled yourself away from him.

"No," he shook his head, showing you his shy gummy smile when he said, "If any it's only making me feel proud cause then people will know that you are mine."

"Oh, you-" You giggled while pushing his chest with your palm. But even in such embarrassment you still let him pull you back to kiss your lips feverishly.

"Let's go home," he said after the kiss ended. "I missed you too much that I can't stop kissing you."

You gave him a quick chaste kiss to agree. "Okay. Let's go home," you answered, before letting him to take your hand in his and pull you away.


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