School Secrets (Tzuyu)

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Pairing: Tzuyu x Reader
Genre(s): Fluff / First Kiss
Word Count: 1083

You were in school and you were in your history class. You were sitting next to the one you were scared of. Tzuyu. She was quiet. Seemed calm. However, everytime you go to talk to her, she would either walk away or tell you to shut up.

You sat next to her in history. Even when you asked her about the work she wouldn't reply. What made it worse was that you were the only two on your table. Therefore, whenever you needed help you always asked her first and when she didn't answer you were forced to ask the teacher.

That was the normal. This day wasn't normal thought. You sat next to her when you walked in as she was there before you and she welcomed you saying hello. You awkwardly said it back and sat down. Throughout that lesson you couldn't help but notice how many questions about the work she asked you. She normally would ask the teacher but today, she always asked you.

You also couldn't help but notice that everytime you went to answer her questions, she would just stare at you. As if she already knew the answer but just asked so she could see your lips move. Soon the awkward, out of the blue lesson was over and you both walked out side.

You were about to walk over to your friends classroom but Tzuyu stopped you. "A...
Y/n?... Would you want to come to my house after school?" You looked at her in shock. First she talks to you in lesson. Second she stares at you whenever you spoke. Finally... This?

"I heard you talking to your friend before you came into class saying that you were home alone today... I wanted to keep you company." She kept her head down, eyes glued to the floor and you kept your eyes glued to her. "A... Tzuyu?" You were about to ask something when words started to spill out of her mouth.

"I'm sorry that I keep on ignoring you... It's just because I really like you but I tried to hide my feelings away by being mean to you... I hated to do it but it was the best way to avoid telling you my feelings. But it was the worst way to deal with them. Y/n... I really like you so please... can you come round my house after school?"

You found Tzuyu dark and mysterious. Honestly, you liked it about her. You did have feelings for her too but they weren't that strong as you pushed them away up a long steep hill in your brain. It was hard but if yoh put effort in it worked. You pushed them up and away thinking she would never like you back. However, hearing her say that she did, it made you stop pushing. All the feelings rolled down the hill and straight back into your heart.

Before you knew it. You were blushing as hard as she was, copying her actions by putting your head down and telling her to meet you by music as that was your last lesson. Her head shot up, as wide smile on her face. No words were spoken, she just came and hugged you. You hugged back as she whispered into your ear. "Thank you for giving me a chance." Then she pulled away. Winking to you as she walked away. Finally, you went to find your friends classroom.

You got through the day and before you knew it, it was the end of your music lesson. It over ran a little so by the time you walked out Tzuyu was already there waiting for you. She was sitting on the floor writing in a notebook. When she saw you she jumped up and smiled. You'd decided throughout the rest of the day that you loved her smile and you loved the new side to her.

She grabbed your spare hand in hers, the other holding the notebook and pen she was using seconds before. Then she walked you out if the music department and out of school. The walk to her house wasn't that long, only taking around five minutes. The walk was in silence but it wasn't awkward in any way. However, when you got to her house it became very awkward.

She went to her kitchen to get snacks and told you to pick a movie you liked out of the shelves and shelves of movies waiting to be played. It also turns out that her parents were out too, do you were home alone. You sent your mom a text telling her where you were then you picked out 'Moana' as the movie you wanted to watch. You both sat know the sofa infront of the movie eating snacks.

You couldn't help but notice Tzuyu. She was meant to be starting at the movie, but she wasn't. She was staring at you. You looked over to her, about to ask what she was doing when she suddenly got up. She crawled over the sofa till she was hovering over you. Her arms either side of your head to hold her up.

"Y/n. I've liked you for so long and I don't know if you like me back but... I've hidden away from you for too long... I have to do this..." You were a little confused as to what she was on about but then all of your questions were answered when she leaned in. Closing the gap between you two. You were a little shocked at first but after a second you kissed her back, actually realising what was going on.

You brought your hand up to her neck, pulling her down onto just a little more. After a few seconds she lifted herself back up. She was still above you and your hand was still on her neck. Her eyes were staring into yours and you stared back into hers. Both of you smiling, not really believing what had just happened.

"Does that show you that I like you back?"

You asked and she just laughed, you letting her fall back on top of you. You wrapped your arms around her. Tzuyu cuddled up into your chest, turning her head towards the TV to finish the movie. You turned your head as well. Both if you now felt extremely comfortable after confessing and you both watched ypthe rest of the movie comfortably wrapped up in each other's arms.

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