DAMN History!! (Michaeng)

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Pairing: Michaeng × Reader
Genre(s): Kind of ansty (I guess?)
Word Count: 1248
A/n: I'm writing 2 stories to follow up this one. One in which you date Chaeyoung at the end. The other in which you date Mina.

Mina and Chaeyoung have always been best friends. They've always gone to the same school even when they first started. Always supporting each other no matter what. However, there was one thing that set them apart. Something that one tried to keep from the other, only to find out that the other felt the same way.

No. They were not in love. They just were in love with the same person.

Y/n. Y/s/n.

You always were the quiet one. Never spoke in class unless asked to. Kind of like Mina. You also loved to draw. Kind of like Chaeyoung. However, you didn't take it as a lesson like Chaeyoung did as for you it was just a hobby. You didn't want to stress over it. And unlike Mina you wouldn't get so shy around people you're comfortable with. Mina tends to be quiet around anyone and everyone. You're one of the loudest if it's just you're friends and you in the room.

Whatever it was they saw in you, they liked it. Both of them. History class was the only lesson you shared with them. They sat next to eachother on the back row, Mina to the left of Chaeyoung, and you sat in the row just in front, directly in front of Mina.

Normally, you could barely hear the lecture as the two girls would be talking about something that would just so happen to take the entire lesson and longer. Recently Mina has been more quiet though. Not because she's shy, but because she won't tell Chaeyoung who she likes. The only reason you know is because it's very hard not to hear them. You do wonder who it is but as you've never spoken to the two you never ask.

You also know that Chaeyoung has a crush on someone too. However, this time the other friend does know who it is. Mina has admitted many times that "Yes. You've told me who yours is but I'm still not going to tell you mine!" That happened a lot. Again you have no idea who Chaeyoung is crushing on and want to know but would be too rude to ask.

You all have history class everyday so you see them, or more like hear from them, everyday. But after the weekend. You heard no more. All conversations suddenly stopped. No more words. The next day you were all early. Only three of you in there. You. Chaeyoung. Mina.

You went to sat down as the pair were already seated but took in their looks first. Chaeyoung looked straight ahead. Not at Mina. Not at you. Just straight ahead. She was sat forward with a dead straight back. It was also very difficult to tell what type of look she had. She seemed sad, alone, happy and stressed all at the same time. A cocktail of every emotion the barman could find.

Mina, on the other hand, was very different. Slumped back in her chair, back at an acute angle and head down looking at the way she twisted her fingers together. It was difficult to get a glimpse of her face with the way her body rested but when you did, she seemed sad. Like she wanted to say something but couldn't because she knew something bad would happen.

After that you turned around and went to take your seat in the row in front. You placed your books down then felt a hand gripping your shoulder. You turned around to find Chaeyoung as the owner of the hand. With out saying anything and just using gestures, she asked for you in the corner of the room. You complied.

Once you arrived at your destination, Chaeyoung grasped your shoulder again. Quickly placing the other hand on your other shoulder. She pulled you in placing the corner of her lips gently on your ear. She then whispered "I really like you, you know." With that you took a breath in as she continued. "I've loved the way you draw the tiny things that don't really matter but make them seem beautiful." You thought back to the little note pad in your pocket full of the drawing you think she's describing. "So I wanna ask you out but... Promise me one thing..." You whisper an almost silent "What?" back. "Just promise me that whatever you choose, you'll become close with both me and Mina. In whatever way you choose."

You pull away and give her a look that repeated your last question but she didn't comply with an answer. She just walked away back to her seat. Leaving you in the corner confused. You walked back to your seat, none the wiser, just as the group of jack-ass boys from the basket-ball team walk in and take their usual, front row seats.

Soon after, the rest of the class enter including the teacher of your lesson. It was about half way through when you suddenly had a paper airplane perfectly made up fly right over where you were writing. You move it out the way, finished what you were  writing and then read the scribbled notes during one of Mr. Jefferson's short lived tea brakes.

On the outside left wing it read...
"To Y/n"
On the outside right wing it read...
"From Mina"

You pulled the wings carefully apart to read the inside section which read...
"Stay back after class.
Pretend your making last notes till every student and teacher has left."

Hoping this would shine some light on what Chaeyoung said earlier, you oblige.

Once the lesson was done and all but two students had left, the teacher asks you "Are you both going to leave or are you planning on re-living history?" You both sigh and role your eyes at your teachers failed joke as you claim "Were just writing up the last few notes Sir. We'll be gone in five." He smiled sweetly and said "Ok. I'm off to get my lunch but I expect you two to be gone by the time I get back." We both smile, nod and he leaves. Finally alone.

Before you could turn round and ask what she wanted to here for, you felt her arms snake around your shoulders. She'd knelt down in the back row to do so. She simply said "Chaeyoung confessed to you didn't she?" Her tone was sad and soft. Then it suddenly hit you.

Chaeyoung liked you. Mina found out. Mina secretly liked you too. Didn't tell Chaeyoung as she knew she'd be hurt. Mina told her over the weekend. And now here you all were. With this idea in your head you asked

"You like me too, don't you?"

She didn't reply with words. Just seemed to rest her head on your left shoulder facing away from you, nod and hold you slightly tighter. Add of she was fearful that was the last time she'd get to hold you.

She then let go with a small tear in her eye, picked up her books and left. After a small moment of re-collection, you did the same.

When you got home you went straight to your bed room and lay flat on your bed. Head to towards the celling. Two girls had a crush on you and you definitely wanted to date one of them. It was more contemplating which one you would choose. Outgoing, artist Chaeyoung. Or shy dancer Mina?

Who will you choose?

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