Another Day (Sana)

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Pairing: Sana × Reader
Genre(s): Angst and kind of fluffy at the end
Word Count: 1125
A/n: I actually had real fun writing this one so thank you to whoever requested it.


Reader's POV

"Another day. Another day. Another-"

As you repeated the same phrase that you repeat to yourself everyday. The same smack in the face happened. Everyday the same thing over and over. Walk in, hit in the face. Yet everyday you still pray that it'll be different. However, one thing was different. The girl who hit you's facial expressions.

It was you're second year at this school and as you were the new kid that came in a year late it meant that not many people liked you. Hit in the face with a book everyday as you walk in was the end result. The girl who did it was always the same too. The quiet one of the group of bullies. Sana.

Nayeon was the leader of them. Bossing her slaves about as if she's the Queen of this school. And no one questions it. Jeongyeon was her second. The one who was never afraid to do anything. If Nayeon asked her to steal the answer sheet, she'd do it. If Nayeon asked her to beat someone up she'd do it. And worse of all, if Nayeon asked her to stab someone, she'd probably do it.

The last one of the trio was Sana. Apparently she was bullied but she once stood up for herself when it got too much. This is when the gang saw her power. They took her in and taught her their ways. Part of you believes that she doesn't want to be there though. Everytime they beat someone up she looks back at them in sorrow. As if she wants to leave the group but it's too scared to be alone in the school.

Her facial expressions change for you more though. As if she has a deeper connection to you even though you'd never even spoke.

You always look into her eyes when she hits you. Quite frankly you like it. Although you hate the pain, you like to see her face every morning. She looks at you in an apologetic way before she hits you. This made you see the deeper more emotional side of her.

The rest of your daily routine consisted of dreaming about what Sana was really like. Then you wrote down your ideas in your diary. This happened every day of every school hour. The rest of your day was wasted by this.
The next day.

"Another day. Another day. Another-

You flinched but opened your eyes to find Sana there, holding the normal book up ready to hit you but her eyes and body not ready to.

You and the rest of her gang have her a confused look. You stay silent while the others start to yell at her asking her what she was waiting for our what she was doing.

You walk away before she had the chance to hit you and didn't look back. You heard the following conversation between the gang members.

The two yeons come in yelling at the last member when suddenly you heard the book drop from Sana's hands. They then yell things like "Are you too weak to even hold up a book!?" You heard Sana say tearfully "I couldn't do it... I can't do it anymore!" Then footsteps running away.

Half of the day was wasted by you again. Constantly wondering what Sana meant.

Lunchtime came around soon enough and everything seemed back to normal. You eat at the table in the corner. Alone. The gang sit in the middle. Where everyone can see them. You notice Sana writing in her diary, as she did everyday. Yet this time Sana didn't seem to leave her diary.

That was until Jeongyeon took it off her and read what she was writing. She then slammed it on the table in front of Nayeon. Nayeon read it then picked it up bringing it over to you. She repeats Jeongyeon's actions by slamming it in front of you.

You then see Sana walking out in tears. You stand up to go after her but Jeongyeon gets in your way. She places her hand on your shoulder and sits you back down. Then simply demands "Read." You look at her with a confused look but she just repeats her cold words. "Read!"

So you did.

You read the entire page about how she'd liked you since before she was in the group and infact, that day when she stood up for herself and joined the gang. She was standing up for you. Not herself like you'd thought. She'd liked you since then and someone had said on your first day that you were a nerdy loner or something along the lines of that. Her love for you took over her and she yelled at them for presuming the worst.

At the end of the page you picked it up and knocked Jeongyeon out of the way to go find her.

On your way you wrote a note to stick onto the page the gang forced you to read. As you finished the note that said you liked her too, you heard someone crying in the girls toilets. You walk in and recognise the soft sounds from that morning.

"Sana?" You gently called. She simply and quietly replied "Leave me alone." Her harsh tone that you were so used to hearing suddenly gone. With nothing else to say but knowing it was her, you simply slipped the diary under the door open to the page you noted.

You heard the book being picked up then the door open. Then suddenly the weight of her hug. She was still a little upset but not as much now. You comforted her by kissing the top of her head. No words were needed. You spent the next few minutes drying her tears. Then you went back to the dining hall, but this time she sat next to you.

Sana came over your house that evening and you stayed up for ages just chatting and catching up with eachother.

The next day you walked in hand in hand, already prepared for what you could presume would happen. You chanted together "Another day. Another day. Another-"

You were got by Jeongyeon and Sana by Nayeon. Sana went to carry on like it was nothing, just as you'd planned, but you thought of a better idea. When you stopped she turned around confused but then using the hand that was still connected to hers, you pulled her in and kissed her in front of her old friends.

The two didn't know how to react so walked off in annoyance, shock and discussed. You both only pulled away when they'd left the corridor. The only thing Sana said was...

"Can we make that part of our new daily routine?"

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