DAMN History!! (Pt. 2 Chaeyoung)

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Pairing: Chaeyoung × Reader
Genre(s): Fluffy fluff fluff
Word Count: 771
A/n: It's only short I know and Mina's will be finished tomorrow as it is now 2:20 am when I'm posting this. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Chaeyoung. That's who you wanted. Yes. Mina is cute but with you being shy and her being shy, it may not work out. You had your girl but you had no clue how to ask her. As you'd never spoken before you didn't have her number and you didn't think any of your friends would either. It would just have to wait for tomorrow's history class. You went to sleep with comfort that night. Knowing that you'd have a girlfriend by the next day.

However, when you arrived at your last class of the day, history, Mina wasn't there. It would make your task a little easier but you still worried about her. Arriving at your seat, you asked Chaeyoung where she was and of she could go home with her after. She said that Mina was at home so they couldn't talk there but said that she'd happily go to the local coffee shop round the corner from here house. You agreed then got on with the lesson.

Once the crowd of people waiting to go home had left, you and Chaeyoung stood to leave. When you and Chaeyoung started to walk side by side on the streets to her house, you saw this as an opportunity to hold her hand. You didn't want to grab her hand straight away so, while swinging your arms in the walking motion, gently touched the inside of her hand to see how she'd react. You didn't expect what happened next.

"If you want to hold my hand you can just grab it you know." She said bluntly grabbing your hand. You giggled and blushed at the girls actions as she did the same.

You walked like that for a while. You thought, as Chaeyoung lead you around the streets, does she really walks this far to school everyday? It seemed to go on forever until we hit the café.

We walk inside and she orders first, you'd never been to this place before and never really drank coffee anyway. She saw the look on your face and she's what you were waiting for. You explained your situation and she replied "Why don't you find us a seat then and I'll order you a suprise?" You agreed and found a table next to the front window.

You turn your head to look out the window. This was the table you saw walking in. The seats were sofa like and looked comfy. The view of the street seemed amazing. And the lighting from the window was perfect.

Chae came over shortly after and brought you out of your dream state. She cake back empty handed and said "They're a little busy so they said that they'd bring them over to us soon." You nodded and smiled sweetly at your crush.

"So about the whole double crush thing-" She started. But you cut her off. "You." She snapped her head up started at first but a look of confusion slowly took over her face. She opened her mouth to talk but you were three steps ahead of her. "It's you I want. It's you who I want to date."

She looked at you completely lost in imagination. You didn't quite know what to do so you just looked around awkwardly. It's only when you got so awkward that you tapped your fingers off of the table when she snapped out of it. "Yes! Sorry... What did you say?"

"I. Like. You. Will. You. Be. My. Girlfriend?" You said slowly as a joke to get your point across. She giggled at your words and said "Sorry. It's just not what I expected you to say?" "After all that hand holding what did you expect me to say?"

"I thought that you were just letting me down gently. I thought you wanted Mina... That's why I walked round the block 3 or 4 times so I could have a longer time holding your hand. You wouldn't have noticed. You had your head down." "Why am I not very surprised by this?"

She giggled at your statement and you giggled at her giggle. Just as that happened, a waiter came over and said "One Mocca?" Chaeyoung quietly resided her hand to confirm her order as you waited for the second drink on her tray to be announced.

"One surprise?" "That's hers." Chaeyoung said as I just looked on, blank. I took a taste still confused and it was a hot chocolate with a lot of crab on top. I looked at Chaeyoung with a satisfied "uuummm" and all she said was...

"I did say I'd get you a surprise."

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