DAMN History!! (Pt.3 Mina)

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Pairing: Mina × Reader
Genre(s): FLUFF (at the end)
Word Count: 1110
A/n: For all my fellow Mina biases

Mina. That's who you wanted. Yes. Chaeyoung is chic but with you were never really into talkative girls, you always liked the shy ones. You had your girl but you had no clue how to ask her. As you'd never spoken before you didn't have her number and you didn't think any of your friends would either. It would just have to wait for tomorrow's history class. You went to sleep with comfort that night. Knowing that you'd have a girlfriend by the next day.

However, when you arrived at your last class of the day, history, Mina wasn't there. It would make your task a whole lot harder and you didn't know what to do. Arriving at your seat, you asked Chaeyoung where she was. She said that Mina was at home and wouldn't talk to her. You then asked if you could go talk with her after. Chaeyoung's eyes then dropped. Knowing then that you'd picked Mina over her. She looked down and nodded slowly. You thanked her then got on with the lesson.

The lesson was a pain to get through. Not having her there felt wrong. Like she was already a part of you.

The lesson slowly passed by. It wasn't that it was any longer then normal. Everything else was normal. The only things that changed was your heart and the fact Mina wasn't there.

Everything went in slow motion. Tapping out a beat on the table was slower than the blues. The clocks ticks and tocks took what seemed like 2 minutes for each round.

Even the teacher's words. "The - Reich - stag - fi - re - was - a - lleg - ed - ly - caused - by - a - ru - ssian - comm - u - nist..."

You were sick of it. With your heart beating the same speed as a  racing car, adrenaline through the roof and breaths quicker then a dog panting. You were over it. You wanted to go. However, you knew Chaeyoung wouldn't be feeling up to walking fast so you slipped her a note just asking her to give you directions to her shared dorm with Mina. She tapped you on the shoulder what must have been a couple mins later, even if it did feel like a couple hours to you, and you turned to regain the paper.

A simple phrase was written over the folded piece of paper on one quarter.

"I understand. Tell Mina I'm staying at the library after school please."

You turned round and nodded quickly and gave her a small smile. She didn't give any expression at all and just looked back down at her book and carried on making notes. Not sure with what else to do, you pushed the note into your pocket and let the rest of the seemingly long, slow passing lesson finally pass by.

You, despite being one of the students at the back, ended up being the first out of the class. Even with your history folder still in your hands you rushed out while trying to keep everything that was in your folder there and not on the floor, trying to pull the directions out of your pocket so you didn't get long and also trying to think about how you would say yes to Mina.

When you got there you'd successfully managed to contain all of your folders and papers in your folder, you were at her door so you didn't get lost however you failed the last task because you had no idea how to ask her. Your heart pounded even more as you held your hand up to the door in a fist position ready to knock but too nervous to actually go through with it. You quickly did it and as you head her getting up and walking to the door you honestly debated running away. Before you could you could run she opened the door.

Her short black hair was a little messy as if she'd been in bed all day and not bothered to change or do anything towards looking good. The fact that she had her pajamas on and a bag of jelly sweets in her hand. Most would think that she looked ugly or gross but it was adorable to you. So much that before saying hi you just giggled.

That's when a random girl walked past as said, looking you up and down "Ooo! Girl your hot! You single?" You were shocked but had an idea. "No sorry I'm dating someone." She stated that it was a shame then walked off. You turned your attention to back to Mina. That's when you realised that she was shutting the door on you.

You slammed the door to keep it open. You combined your actions with words "Why were you going to shut me out?" You asked calmly. She put her head down and kept her hand on the door. She spoke quietly "You're dating Chaeyoung aren't you. That's why you're here to talk to me." You sighed and asked to come in. She agreed and shut the door behind you once you'd walked in.

You put your folder down on one of the girls beds and immediately hugged Mina. She was very confused and didn't hug you back so you asked. "Do you want to know who I'm dating?" You looked up to see Mina nod still not looking to you. "Let's sit down." She sat on the bed that you happened to put your folder on. You moved it out the way and sat down in front of Mina.

"You. I'm dating you."

Her face suddenly lit up, finally looking at you dead in the eyes. She looked really confused and you guessed that she didn't really know what to say. So you pushed her onto her back onto the bed. You then proceeded to hug her and giggle along with her.

You both got comfortable and as you snuggled into her side you both let yourselves fall into a comfortable silence. Until Mina asked "are you really dating me?" You both immediately giggled and she turned round to hug you more comfortably.

"Two things... I put the jelly sweets in my pocket do u wanna share the rest?" She began. You just looked at here with a look that screamed 'Did you really have to ask that?' She just giggled and pulled them out so you could reach the packet too.

"Does Chae know you're dating me?" You nodded and said "She said she was going to the library." "Good! You can spend more time here."

You both then fell into a new comfortable silence. In a comfortable position. Lying in your girlfriend's arms.

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