Chapter 1: Such a Horrid Idea

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"I knew this was a bad idea"

They were in the south side of London, where nothing but open fields and forests seem to occur. It was surprisingly warm that day, even though it was middle of late Autumn. The forest seemed to give off a vindictive appeal, like the branches were waiting to strangle to death. The calming sound of song birds and the whisper of the wind was interrupted abruptly by the obnoxious roar of a car engine, it seemed to stop as the car slowly came to a hault near a gated off area leading into the woods.

The driver side opens and out steps a tall man of 6'4 who had a gorgeous head of chocolate brown hair and brown eyes to match that shined a dark light. He was the sarcastic one, a man who found it hard to show people his true feelings. He was a hard nut to crack but as soon as you got to know him, he'd become a teddy bear. He walked over to the passenger side letting his steps in the mud guide his way. The man knocked on the window and smiled at the other person still sitting inside.

"Oh come on Phil, you can't just stay in there!"

Phil wasn't as eager as his friend to have this adventure by the look on his face and the fact that he had his arms folded crossed his chest. He looked at his best friend through tainted glass and slowly lowered the window to reveal a smiling face gleaming at him.

"I can and I will, Dan"

Dan was stumped at this point, he wanted his friend to come with him, Dan suddenly had a scummy idea.

"Ok fine I guess I'm going alone, bye Phil" he said in a sarcastic tone that sounded sad but obviously wasn't.

Phil, hearing this got out of the car quickly. Now you could see that he was a tall man of 6'3.5 with raven black hair and crystal blue eyes that could out sparkle any night sky. Phil was a happy go lucky kind of fellow who always seems to put everyone else before himself. He always seemed to be in a good, light mood and always put a smile on everyone's face.

"No Dan it's dangerous!"

Dan got out his camera and smiled a smile that said "I'm going to get my way no matter what"

"Come on Phil its for Youtube"

What you might or might not know is that Dan and Phil are two famous Youtubers called danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil. Dan had wanted to come and video tape this creepy place in the forest but Phil wasn't to keen on the idea. Rumor has it that the Loving living quarters owned and operated in 1921 ran down suddenly without an explanation. They do say that the owner was a scientist that killed his family. He was attempting to find immortality but ultimately failed miserably. Phil gulped at the thought of this guy, even though Phil knew he was dead, he was still scared.

"Got your camera?" Dan asked smiling widely

Phil nodded, getting out his camera it's sleek exterior almost made him forget his situation until he looked up.

"Alright let's get a move on"

Even though Dan wasn't the one for exercise or taking a leisurely stroll in the woods, the idea of seeing this place in front of his very eyes filled him with a since of adventure and excitement. Dan walked as Phil followed to the large, immaculate gate rapped with vines and tangles of sinful secrets of the past. They both discovered a lock and chain bolted around the gate making sure no one trudged in.

"Well I guess we're going home"

Phil started to walk back to the car when Dan grabbed him by his plaid shirt and jerked him back.

"Nuh uh uh, you're not going any where, let's try to climb over it"

Dan grabbed a hold of the bars and lifted his body weight up and over, landing on the other side with a thud. He looked back and saw Phil staring at him with a doubtful glare. Dan got out his camera and with a smile started filming Phil on the other side.

"Come on Phil, let's get a move on, you don't want me to go alone do you"

Phil sighed deeply as he pulled himself up and over the huge brass gate. What he didn't realize is that one of the thorns in the vines cut his hand with a slit running from the bottom of his thumb to the end of his hand. Dan paused the recording and turned around to face him, with a gleaming smile he un paused.

"Hello internet, so weirdly enough me and Phil are outside to check out the Loving living area built in 1921"

"I really don't want to do this"

"Oh come on Phil, there's nothing in this place to harm you"

Phil smiled and sighed, letting in a huge breath in. "Ok"

They found themselves walking through the dark, muggy wood land as blood flowed down Phil's arm, staining the inside of his long sleeve shirt. There once was a cobble stone walk way that led to the living quarters but over time the natural force of time and Mother Nature took over.

"Omg honestly it's really peaceful out here!" Dan said excitedly

Phil smiled "It is actually"

As they kept on walking Phil stopped for a moment for something caught his eye. It was a rotting pig corpse, it looked as if it was killed no more than 3 hours ago. It had been cut open and its intestines were lying on the ground as fly's swarmed around it. Dan filmed Phil's face turn green and took no time to look at the pig himself, making sure the camera never left Phil.

"What the hell?" Dan asked as Phil looked at him, scared out of his mind.

The harsh stench of the air made a lasting impression making them want to vomit.

"That is the most disgusting thing I've seen in my whole life"

Dan had flipped the camera back over to him and gave a very disgusted look.

"Let's keep going," Dan said, and they both kept on walking in the woods, his camera back on the woods.

"Poor piggy," Phil said somberly

Dan couldn't help but chuckle a bit, Phil was always the one who really cared about animals, honestly, he was too sweet for his own good. After 5 more minutes of strolling down the moss covered stones, they came across the living quarters. It was a very worn out building with cracks scaling from the roof down to the grass, the windows were broken and boarded up, this place just screamed "Go away"

Dan paused the camera and looked at Phil.

"You ready to go in?"

Phil gulped but nodded as Dan opened the almost falling apart door. Dan walked inside as Phil followed closely behind.

The cut on Phil's hand started to heal

Hey guys let me know down in the comments what you think so far, is it good let me know by telling me and voting on it


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