Chapter 3: Leave me alone

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Phil quickly opened his eyes, his swollen red eyes hit the ceiling up above. The ceiling was starting to crack and fall in where he could see moss and mold forming. Phil tried to move his limbs but they seemed to be strapped down by a hard,unbreakable material. He was only able to move his head from side to side. Phil was laying face up on some gurney as well.

"Hello boy"

Out of the darkness stepped a middle aged man. He was wearing an old lab coat that seemed to be permanently stained with either blood or ketchup...Phil was doubting the ketchup theory. This man had a slick back do of a once tangled mess Phil predicted. The man walked up to Phil and started putting whatever was on the table in a certain order, a certain place. The man then cut off Phil's shirt sleeves. He picked up the scalpel and started flicking the tip, Phil's eyes got wide as he looked at the guy.

"Who are you, what are you going to do to me, Dan, Dan?!" Phil asked freaking out

All of a sudden the man grabbed some duct tape and taped his mouth shut.

"Shush my boy, let me explain; My name is Dr.Loving and I'm a scientist. I haven't been able to try my immortality experiment on someone, since I did it to myself and my family back in 1921, sadly I was the only one who survived. Why you may ask, well it's because of my blood type, You wanna know what's funny, honestly it's absolutely hysterical, you my boy have the same blood type as me, imagine that. How do i know this well I could smell it."

As Dr.Loving said this he went over to his cabinet and pulled out a tiny jar labeled. "Juju bottle." He set it down and smiled down at Phil who was terrified out of his mind.

"Oh what's with the long face, I'm going to give you a gift."

Dr.Loving took two fingers and tapped on Phil's vein, he watched as it moved. He smiled taking the scalpel in his hand, he slowly but surly cut into Phil's arm letting his blood flow down. Phil flinched in pain as sweat fell down his temple.

"You've got such a nice blood flow, if I wasn't turning you I would just eat you myself ." The Doctor said laughing

The Doctor cut Phil again making his wound form the shape of an x. Dr.Loving put down his scalpel and watched as Phil tried to scream but couldn't, he thrashed his head more side to side in pain. The Doctor picked up the tiny jar and pulled out the tiny beetle, Phil watched in panic as the Doctor put the tiny bug in his wound and let it wriggle its way in, Phil felt violated by this that he could pass out at any moment.

Dr.Loving then took a stapler and started to staple Phil's wound, at this point Phil couldn't take the pain anymore he screamed as he let a couple of tears leave his eyes and roll down his face. Then like a bandage the Doctor pulled the duct tape off his mouth. Phil wanted to scream again but he was to exhausted to, so he just laid there on the cold table, breathing heavy.

"You did so good my boy, now it's time to sleep"

As soon as the Doctor says this Phil closed his eyes, afraid to open them again. Time seemed to pass quickly as he sat up screaming. Phil looked around to discover that he was in a solid white room with a single door that had a window with bars.

"What happened?" Phil asked like he had forgotten

Phil looked down at his arm and all the memories started flooding back, he touched his stapled wound and cringed.

"That Doctor, he was alive, his immortality experiment worked...but now he's done it to me...!" Phil yelled freaking out

"Did he say turn me, what did he mean by that, making someone immortal doesn't have to do with turning someone...right and why did he say he was going to eat me?" Phil questioned

"What did he do to me?"

Phil put his hands on his face and began to weep.

"Somebody, anybody help me!" He cried out

All of a sudden Phil heard a noise coming from the door and when he looked up he discovered that it was.


Phil bolted up and ran to the door to look at Dan straight in the eyes, he was so happy to see him.

"Dan, Dan I'm so happy to see you, this guy, the Doctor who created the immortality experiment did something to me, he used his experiment on me, I'm so scared, I wanna go home!" Phil cried

"Ok, ok calm down I'll get you out of here."

Dan opened the door and when he did Phil ran up to him and hugged him tightly. Dan hugged him back and quickly let go of him.

"Let's get out of here" Dan said

Out of no where, behind Dan, someone took a sword and jabbed through his chest. Blood gushed out of his mouth as he fell to his knees, the dark figure took it out. Phil watched this while covering his mouth and walking backwards in fear. He fell to his knees as the lights went out. Phil screamed as he heard whispers and screaming coming from all around him.


The light was back on, Phil found himself in the corner of the room crouched to the floor when an unusually figure came in, she was a young girl in a white nightgown.

"Don't let him get you" she said coldly

Phil was shaken up at this point, he was sick and nothing made since anymore.

"If you let him get you....then you'll never escape"

After saying this her face started to melt which made Phil scream and cover his face again.

"Leave me alone!" He yelled

"Leave me alone Phil"

Phil looked up to see Dan backing away slowly, he quickly stood up and walked towards him.

"Please Phil you're my best friend don't kill me"

"Don't eat me!"

Phil looked down at his hands to discover that he was holding a knife, with blood all over his hands, He dropped the knife and backed away.

The lights went out

Phil looked to see that he was in a pitch black room with only a light up mirror, he looked in the mirror and was shocked. It was him...but it wasn't, this Phil had two black eyes with red pupils and a evil smile. Long black veins began to form from his eyes.

A headache started to form as Phil fell to his knees in pain, he wanted this to end,
Phil screamed.

He opened his eyes and gasped discovering that he was on the floor, Dan running towards him.

"Phil, Phil I found you are you ok?" Dan asked trying to help Phil up

But Phil pushed him away. "No go way leave me alone!"

Dan was concerned as he helped Phil up even though he was resistant

"Please get out of here, he's gonna find you! Phil yelled

Dan shook his head as he checked all his pockets to make sure everything was there.

"Ok Phil let's get out of here!" He said sighing

"No, please stop let me go, leave me alone"


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