Chapter 12: Familar to me

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Dan woke up to the sound of absolutely nothing, it was like the whole world had shut off. He couldn't hear any heart beats or a single breath coming from any where. He stood up but immediately fell to the ground, his legs felt like jello. It was dark, too dark to see, he scooted and hit a metal bar of sorts. Dan grabbed a hold of it to discover that he was in a large cage.

"What the....hell?" Dan asked quietly to himself.

He looked up and when he did the lights came on and he had to cover his eyes for it was to bright. Out of no where a man stood in the middle of the room, he had a lab coat and dark black hair. Dan knew exactly who he was and he barred his teeth.

"Dr. Loving." Dan said as he tried to get up again but yet again he fell to the ground making the doctor laugh.

"Hello Daniel, I'm so happy your awake."

Dan shook his head getting his dark brown hair in his face.

"Let me go, or i'll-i'll"

The doctor laughed. "Or what...kill me, you're not a threat to me boy, I created you."

"Now your friend I'm afraid was a poor choice on my part, I had no idea he would end up killing himself, in his own mind, I didn't know ghouls could do that, he must have really hated what he was becoming."

The Doctor looked the other way. "But you Daniel, your special, you some how turned through the black ooze that I didn't even know was able to contaminate a person."

Dan spit in the Doctors direction making him look back and laugh.

"You are definitely a feisty one."

"Let-me-go!" Dan yelled.

The Doctor walked up the cage and put a hand on the bars and looked down at Dan.

"Now you know I can't do that, I've got to watch you, do some experiments."

Dan gulped.

"I've just always wanted to know what happens when you starve a ghoul."


It had been about 4 days since Dan has eaten and everyday the Doctor would come and check up on him but he still hadn't cracked which irritated Dr.Loving to a whole new level. On the 5th day that's when....Dan couldn't handle it, the pain was like none other and the hungry just made him sicker and sicker where he just wanted to die. He would just lay on the cold floor and cry his eyes out, Dan would hold on to his arms and dig his nails into his skin as he barred his teeth. He could smell the blood, but this blood smelled fowl, it was his blood, ghoul blood. Dan looked up through tears to see Dr. Loving standing there. Dan got up quickly and held on to the bars tightly.

"Please- I'm so hungry, I- can't take the pain anymore." Dan cried out as the Doctor smiled.

Dr.Loving smiled as Dan watched two men bring in a boy around his age into the room and throw him into the cage Dan was in, Dan just stared as he found himself licking his lips in hunger. Then all of a sudden he fell to the ground and began to cry again.

This is why Phil killed himself, he regretted what he had done, he had killed people and had eaten someone's heart. Dan didn't want to end up like Phil not wanting to be saved from what hell he must be going through.

"I-I can't- I'm so hungry but I just can't."

Dr.Loving was getting angry. "Boy if you don't eat you'll die, is that what you want, DO YOU WANT TO DIE!"

Dan shook his head as tears flowed down his cheeks.

"Then eat him, do it now!"

Dan looked up at the boy who was starring him down with a terrified look for Dan's eyes were. Completely black with red pupils, black veins seemed to come out of both eyes. Dan reached for the boy and grabbed his leg, he smiled as he licked his lips.

"I need to- feed but I don't want to end up like Phil."

The boy tried to squirm away but Dan held on to him to the boy tightly.

"You're stronger then Philip, if you eat you will be fine, the beetle didn't seem to work for him but the black ooze worked for you. Aren't you hungry?"

Dan nodded and jumped at the boy with full force and bit down on his arm making the boy scream and making Dr.Loving smile.

"Good boy."


After Dan had finished, he had found himself in the corner crying his eyes out with blood dripping down his mouth. He couldn't look at what he had done, he was to scared to, until he heard the cage unlock making him look up.

"Come here, it's ok!"

The voice was familiar to him making Dan get up and open the cage door.

It was Phil.

Dan wasn't sure if he should ask, punch, or cry but he just stood there in silence.

"Dan- I'm sorry I lied to you, I just don't want to be saved, I can't be saved without you being killed, so I'm here to save you." Phil said smiling.

Dan was still silent.

"Come on you need to kill Dr.Loving and find the cure!" Phil ordered.

"Where's your body Phil?" Dan asked as Phil started to leave, knowing Phil was just a figment of his psychotic mind.

Phil looked back as he smelled the blood on the floor and on Dan's face.

"I- don't know."

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