Chapter 5

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Jai's POV

I'm pretty sure my brothers are suspicious. I keep on getting worried glances every time I'm even remotely quiet in a video. Beau keeps making comments about me being happy. Luke has kept quiet for the most part, but I can tell he's about to blow up at me again. I'm just trying to make everyone happy, but apparently that's a bad thing.

I walk downstairs to get some water, but stop when I hear a heated conversation.

"I'm serious Beau, we can't let this continue. He needs help, whether he wants it or not."

They were talking about me.

"Have you ever stopped to think about his feelings? Maybe forcing him to stop has only made things worse." Well that's obvious!

"It's for his own good. Besides who's to say he's actually stopped."

"What do you mean, Luke?"

"Exactly what I said. Just because his wrists are clean doesn't mean he hasn't cut anywhere else. Jai's a lot smarter than he gets credit for."

"What should we do? Should we check other places." I take that as my cue to jump in.

"Wow not only are you talking about me behind my back, but now you're insinuating that I'm a liar. I can just feel the love in this room." I state trying to throw them off. I can tell it works with Beau because a look of guilt passes over his face. Luke, on the other hand, is not even the slightest bit convinced.

"A little defensive aren't you, Jai? It must be true then, so where is it? Where have you been hurting yourself at?" Luke's gaze is nothing short of piercing, and I can't help but to clam up.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I defend badly.

"Oh really? Because I think I might have a pretty good idea." Luke chuckles darkly then walks over and slaps his hands down on my thighs. I yelp in response which proves his theory correct. "How could you? Do you really hate us that much?" I can't bring myself to answer so he just continues. "Well? Why do it? Your life is practically perfect, so is that just some little attempt of yours to get attention. You have no reason to be so sad, Jai..." he trails off with wide eyes after realizing what he had been saying.

"No." I whisper more to myself then to him. Beau is standing off to the side like he's conflicted on what to do. He should side with, Luke. Luke's the better twin. I slide down onto the floor without realizing it, and cradle my head in my hands.

No. No. No. This can't be happening. I can't deal with this. It's getting harder to breathe, and I can't take this. Why did Luke have to find out? Why can't I breathe?

Luke's Pov (surprise POV change, yea!)

I trail off as soon as I see the look of horror on Jai's face. I just can't figure out what's wrong with him, and it hurts me knowing my twin is hurting himself. I look at him in worry when he suddenly lets himself fall to the floor. He starts cradling his head and rocking back and forth. I shoot a glance to Beau that meant "get out my twin needs me". I've used this look many times before, so he definitely understood. He hesitated for a moment but eventually left the room. Almost immediately, I notice that Jai's breathing is becoming harsh and labored until he reaches the point of hyperventilating.

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