Chapter 9

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The day had finally come. Jai was now able to leave the hospital after days of being stuck in it. Gina had to go back to Australia the day before Jai was released but he promised to call her as soon as he could.

If he was being honest with himself, he would admit that he did not want to go home at all. Things had been tense between him and Beau and it was only slightly better with Luke. Daniel had visited him a lot, but he couldn't rely on Daniel to keep his brothers off his back.


"Jai?" Beau called after him when they finally made it inside their house. "We need to talk for a minute." Jai sighed. Since when was having a talk with Beau ever a good idea?

"What?" Jai questioned, going to sit on the couch beside Luke.

"Well we sort of just have to lay some ground rules according to your doctor." Beau quickly explained. Jai tensed up at the statement and Luke quickly reached down and squeezed Jai's hand in comfort.

"No leaving the house unless someone knows you're leaving-"

"What I'm 21 years old!" Jai protested.

"Yea well you're also a danger to yourself and this was suggested by your doctor."

"I'm not a danger to myself."

" can't be serious. I'm not dealing with this right now!" Beau sighed. "We sort of have to randomly check you for fresh cuts once a week from now on. Also, I know I already gave you your door back, but the lock is coming off." Beau finished weakly. Jai had tears running down his face as his anger got the best of him. He quickly got up and ran out of the room.

"Did you have to instigate him like that?!" Luke yelled angrily before storming out as well.  He hurriedly ran up to Jai's room, not quite ready to let his twin be alone this soon.

Jai was sitting against the wall gazing into the mirror on the opposite wall with a look that could only be considered a look of self-hatred. His tears had surprisingly already stopped, but Luke was still worried.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked, slowly stepping into the room. Jai looked up at his voice and gave a jerky nod.

"M'fine. Just don't particularly enjoy having my freedom stripped away."

"We're only doing it for your own good, Jai. I know it almost killed me to see you like that, but it's worse for Beau. He blames himself for your suicide attempt."

"Why would he blame himself?" Jai questioned sharply.

"All of the harsh things he said about you. They kind of set you off and he thinks that maybe if he hadn't of said anything, you wouldn't of tried."

"I would of just tried eventually." Jai mumbled more to himself than to Luke.

"What do you mean?"

"I was spiraling downwards that morning. I had basically reached my lowest point, so it was really only a matter of time." Jai admitted. Luke did not like that at all. How had Jai gotten so bad without him even realizing it?

"Is that why you were so quiet?" Luke hesitated.

"Yea, but I wasn't quiet on purpose. I just couldn't function and now I have this." Jai explained holding up his bandaged arms. "Can I take off the gauze now?"

"Umm, yea, you just have to be careful of the stitches." Luke answered. Jai nodded his head in response and slowly unraveled the gauze surrounding his sensitive flesh. Although they both realized that the wounds would heal with time, neither really thought about that at the sight of the vertical scars running along both of Jai's arms.

"I really messed up this time didn't I?" Jai asked rhetorically. Luke bit his lip. He knew the sight upset Jai, but he couldn't let his twin get back to that place.

"You didn't mess anything up, Jai." Luke suddenly got an idea, "Its been a while since we've just hung out, hasn't it?"

"Yea why?" Jai didn't understand what was going through Luke's head.

"Tomorrow is going to be our day. Just me and you, like old times. Okay? I almost lost you and I don't want to make that mistake again."

"Okay." Jai whispered back.

This was sort of just a filler chapter. So Any ideas or requests on what they do? I sort of have some of it planned already, but if you want something extra comment!

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