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                    Autumn leaves scattered on the ground, parting way for his arrival. The porch steps groaned under the weight of his boots. Standing before him was cause of these paradox events, the missing piece of the puzzle-the tormentor of his long nights.

Standing before him was the man who held great power over the world-over him. The man who'd brought him pleasure, pain, and love.

A man who was not a man at all- a celestial being beyond his comprehension, driven by death.

Gentle breeze caressed his face making his body shiver, the porch swing moved-the rusted metal creaked a high-pitched noise emitted from the object. The front door was left wide open a pale outstretched hand reached towards him-inviting-the body obscured by the darkness.

"You choose" the alluring voice whispered.

The large silhouette stood by the door way-waiting. Taking a deep breath, he reached out marveling in the sensation of the warm skin-the only hands his body responded to.

'How could someone so evil, be so warm?'

Stepping forward he was basked by darkness the front door closing softly behind him, the wind howled in agony.

It was then Zayn realized he'd never had a choice.

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