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|Chapter SIX- Hydrangea

                  Cold, crisp wind carried the rusted leaves over the dew covered grass, Zayn stood motionless on the balcony-eyes hollow. Red leaves rained down, overpowered by the strong dry breeze. Hands placed on the black railing he watched the lake water flow calmly, the golden sun settled amongst the clouds in the distance.

Running his left hand over the tattoo Zayn shivered, closing his eyes, inhaling deeply while a fire began to ignite from deep within him.

It's the most he's felt all week.

Everything felt meaningless, the days were a blur time seemed to have mended together in a never ending cycle of bullshit.

Biting his lip, Zayn gazed out onto the lake-he felt as if something was missing. The constant headaches were becoming excruciating painful.

Sometimes he would forget things, small things at first like where he placed the keys, or forgetting to lock the doors. Zayn sneezed, sniffling lightly before heading back inside shutting the large balcony doors behind him.

Then things seemed to progress he'd forget to turn off the shower or the stove, even leave the front door wide open.

As if things couldn't get any worse.

Last Saturday Zayn woke up in the attic; naked, sore, confused, but oddly satisfied-dark painful brusies on his hips and thighs.

Four days ago he'd awakened in the woods, the moon cascading around him lighting up the path home. Zayn's shoulders had been tense and aching his hands felt raw, heart racing vigorously pumped with adrenaline.

Bare feet padded along the wooden floors as Zayn descended down the stairs-smiling at Jaime.

"Finally" she said "The movies halfway over, I knew you were taking a shit"

Rolling his eyes Zayn took a seat next to her, snuggling into the blue couch cushions. "I lost track of time s'all" Jaime snorted, taking a bit of the now stale and cold pizza.

"Can you believe what happened to David Johnson?" she asked-blue eyes sad and puffy. 'David Johnson, the owner of Johnson antiques was found strangled three days ago.' the words had replayed in Zayn's mind. Even though, Zayn thought the man was unsympathetic, indifferent, and cruel-it didn't change the fact that the old man had been murdered. Nothing had been stolen from the store- whoever did it was a monster-immoral.

The movie credits began to roll-Zayn frowned in disappointment, standing up they cleaned up the coffee table.

"You like Hydrangeas?" Jaime asked, her blue eyes taking in the details of the pink petals. Zayn shrugged, for some reason the vibrant flowers were always in his dreams.

"I guess, they're pretty" he replied, pouring the flat soda down the drain-throwing the can in the recycling bin.

Zayn ran his fingers over the velvety petals-watching as the flowers leaned towards the gentle touch. "The Victorians thought the flowers were negative" he said, licking his chapped lips.

"To be completely honest I hate these flowers, sure they're beautiful" he says, Jaime gave him an odd look. "I mean they're scentless, and they bear nothing.. yet... they're so beautiful and vibrant"

Jaime nodded, humming in agreement "They are pretty."

"Arrogant and selfish aren't they" Zayn continued-hazel eyes glazed over "Just like humans, Isn't it funny how people can destroy lives for their own gain?"

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