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|Chapter Three-Moonlight Caress

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|Chapter Three-Moonlight Caress

           Burning, the flames ignited- dancing amongst themselves glowing red bathing the room in blood crimson. The fireplace roared the oppressive heat made Zayn sigh basking in the warmth, the ravenette sat comfortably on the old tattered couch -book in hand. Pushing the glasses back onto the bridge of his nose Zayn cuddled under the blue blanket engrossed by the words in the book.

It had been three long, lonely months since he'd moved into town-into his new lonesome life. Flipping over to the next page, he sat up tucking his feet into the covers, his new job was boring-working at the local convenience store sorting items, being pleasant to costumers pretending he was happy for hours on end until he got home-his large home that reminded him of just how alone he was.

Zayn cleared his throat, shaking his head at the depressing thoughts, he began to read once more. It wasn't as if the raventte needed the job his inheritance was infinite he was set up for the rest of his life- but no amount of Benjamin's would erase the pain of losing his parents in the span of three gruesome years. Zayn might of been financially settled for life-but no one would ever be ready for the heart-wrenching pain of losing your parents one after the other.

Long ebony locks sat neatly in a bun on top of his head shorter strands framing his face. Zayn moved out of his parents home selling the large luxurious home- where the shadows of his memories haunted him-his childhood remained there living in the dust of what remained.

Of what once existed.

Trisha Malik- his mother died in her sleep peacefully as beautiful as ever her beauty untouched by death. Yaser Malik a strong, stern, loving father could never grasp onto reality-his wife's death, decided on ending his life leaving Zayn to face the world unprepared.


Tragically beautiful the newspapers had printed off in bold letters making headlines. Zayn found nothing beautiful about death. He'd moved states to get away from the public eye, buying a cheap old lake house in the middle of the woods-isolating himself from others.

A place where no one knew his name.

Headlights peeked through the thick red velvet curtains 'Pizza's here' he thought placing his book and glasses on the mahogany coffee table rushing into the kitchen where he'd left the money.

Three loud knocks echoed into the walls of the old house, straightening up Zayn opened the front door greeting the delivery boy. The delivery boy gave him a bored expression popping his white gum repetitively extending his hand.

"Are you Zen Mahlik?" he asked.

Zayn cringed at the mispronunciation of his name but ignored it opting to nodding his head.

"Alright so here's your small plain cheese pizza and a sprite, your total is fifteen, twenty seven" handing the teen a fifty Zayn gripped the box and drink.

"You can keep the change"

The teen gaped at him thanking his profusely, Zayn closed the front door placing the food on the coffee table-rushing into the kitchen for a plastic plate and cup.

Sitting down of the couch his stomach grumbled excitedly at the smell of food, three loud knocks on the front door startled him. Standing up he rushed to the front door.

"Look kid, its fine I said you can keep the chang-" opening the door he was surprised to find nothing there. Turning on the porch light, waiting the light flickered a couple times before flickering on. The October wind made him shiver, stepping out onto the porch, the skin of his bare feet protesting at the cold wooden floorboards. Zayn crossed his arms over his chest scanning the long driveway-nothing. Rolling his eyes he stepped back inside closing the door. 

"Fucking brat" he muttered, pulling his hair from its confinement, the midnight colored tresses falling messily over his eyes. Grumbling, he sat on the couch picking up his glasses he frowned realizing his book was gone.

"Where the fuck did I put it?" Biting into his pizza, he searched on the floor-confused as to where he'd left it.

Loud knocking on the door caused him to jump banging his head on the coffee table corner. Yelping, the ravenette stood up stomping towards the front door. Yanking the door open he was greeted by nothing.

"Very funny!" he yelled into the darkness, his irritated voice echoing into to woods. The porch light flickered, when something caught his eye his lost book sat closed on the driveway. Zayn reeled the porch light flickered off, jumping into the house he closed the door locking it- running towards the back door making sure it was locked.

Zayn placed his hand over his furiously beating heart, his throat parched-dry.

'Maybe I should get a security system'


Gentle touches roved over the curves of his calf's-lovingly-the calloused fingertips caressed the smooth tanned skin. Zayn moaned into his flimsy pillow his body burning with desire as the warm hands traveled over his bare legs.

How long had it been since he's been touched like this?

Arching into the touch of rough hands massaged his back, 'too long' he moaned when warm lips pressed against the shell of his ear, the dark voice whispering words unknown.

Zayn shivered, he was feverish for more the large hands tangled into the shaggy tresses of ebony hair pulling it roughly.

Startled, Zayn awoke with a massive headache his body was sweating drenching the mattress. The covers laid crumpled on the floor a draft of cold air made him come back to his scenes, the closet door was wide open-on his second day of moving in Zayn had been startled to find out he had two closets. A large walk-in through the bathroom and a recently made closet in the room the closet which had concealed the attic door-the closet which was now open the darkness making him uneasy.

 Groggy, he stood up his legs felt weak-shaking he closed the closet door making his way back to his loving bed. Picking up the crumpled blankets he screamed when his lost book fell out, several pages torn out.


"Thank you, have a nice day!" he exclaimed, forcing a smile on his exhausted face.

"Zayn what's wrong? you've been out of it all day." a small voice spoke from beside him. Zayn turned his head to look at his co-worker and now best friend Jaime, her bright platinum hair pulled up into a bun-cerulean eyes worried.

Zayn shrugged, closing the register waiting for the next costumer "Nothing, I'm just tired that's all"

Jaime snorted leaning against the counter bitten fingernails tapping the counter. "Right and I'm straight. Come on tell mama what's wrong." she teased wiggling her eyebrows. Zayn laughed, he liked Jaime she was sweet the only other homosexual person in town. Truth was he'd gotten no sleep-not after what had happened, Zayn had locked himself in the bathroom until the sun had risen.

"Nothings wrong, I promise Jaime"

Jaime gave him a long look studying him before she shrugged "Fine, don't tell me... Are you still going to Sarah Adam's party tomorrow?"

Zayn pursed his lips before replying "Yeah, I guess I still don't have a costume though"

Jaime snickered, "We'll go get you one when our shifts over... We're going to have so much fun!!" she squealed.

Zayn forced out a smile hoping she was right.

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