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|Chapter ONE-New Beginnings

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|Chapter ONE-New Beginnings

                The blinding light of the sun was concealed momentairly by the green tree leaves. A long dirt road stretched far up ahead almost never ending, the trees creating a shady path. Singing along to his favorite song, Zayn shifted in the drivers seat the long drive was beginning to take toll on his stiff body- leg muscles tense.

Sighing in relief Zayn smiled at the old rustic house that lied ahead, he could see a lake out in the distance. The driveway was old the cement cracked- the small car protested as he drove up the hill to his new home. Turning the engine off the twenty-two year old stretched his tired worn limbs opening the trunk he scoffed at the lack of belongings. Picking up a box he walked towards his house-smiling he was a home owner now and proud. The old rotten porch steps groaned under his converse, placing the box by the red front door the tan skinned man reached into his back pocket pulling out an odd shaped house key.

Visibly exited, Zayn squealed once inside he ran into the musty living room gaping at the amount of space. The house was already furnished, the old furniture was left behind by the houses' previous owner-Zayn decided he'd keep it. Running back towards the front door he picked up the forgotten box-rolling his eyes when he remembered there were six more in the car.

Hazel eyes took in every detail from the yellowed walls to the scratched wooden floor a wooden stair case to his far left with brown wooden railings. Zayn laughed to himself when he thought about the serious amount of house-cleaning he'd have to do. Upon entering the kitchen he placed the box on the island cringing dramatically at the horrifying green cabinets.

'Those have to go' he thought to himself. Zayn jumped when the stairs Newel-post fell over taking the rest of the banisters with it.

'Well where's my damn duck tape?' his eye twitched in irritation. A creaking coming from upstairs made him stiffen. Frozen, the ravenette strained his hearing as he called out.

"Hello?" Zayn made his way up the stairs, careful not to fall over. The upstairs hallway was long and dark Zayn hadn't called the utilities office to have the lights and water cut on. Reaching for his phone, the ravenette used the home screen as a guide. The creaking was louder now more persistent it seemed to be coming from the room at the end of the hall.

Zayn ran into the room, expecting an intruder-there was nothing the room was bare the walls seemed new as if someone had just refurbished the wallpaper. A large queen bed sat in the middle- the large balcony doors were wide opened.

'This is the master bedroom' he thought impressed by the spacious room. Walking towards the bed he through himself back arms outstretched. His body bounced back up dust flying in all directions, Zayn coughed waving his arms over his face.

The slight warm breeze reminded him of the open balcony doors, walking towards the old glass doors he paused when he could make out a silhouette out by the lake back facing him.

"Who the fuck are you?" he yelled, Zayn could tell the intruder was a man judging by the broad shoulders-he could make out the long fair hair on his head. The stranger continued to stare out into the lake-unmoving. Grumbling, Zayn sped walked down the stairs and out the back door ready to give the intruder a piece of his mind.

"Hey!" Zayn shouted "Hey you!.. you listen here you idio-" his words were caught in his throat when the tall stranger turned in his direction-revealing beautiful honey colored eyes.

The blond man smiled a light blush on his face, Zayn could see freckles lightly dusting the handsome strangers face.

"Hi" he greeted, Zayn almost fainted at the sound of the mans voice.

'Well hello there' he wanted to purr out, but instead his brain went haywire.

"Uhh" he managed to say. The blond smiled it was a friendly smile "I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude.. I didn't know anyone lived here"

Zayn mentally slapped himself "S'okay" he said trying to keep his cool "I just moved here actually"

"Yeah you don't look very familiar I've lived here my whole life.... Didn't know the old lake house had been sold.."

Zayn shrugged, not knowing how to respond, the calm lake water adding to the scenery.

The blond gave him a funny look "So where you from?" he questioned. Zayn stared at the stranger a little longer "Why?" he replied defensively, ready to go back into his home. Turning around Zayn heard a faint chuckle, the stranger muttered something under his breath.

"I'm sorry I didn't get your name?" the blond asked, a smile graced his lovely face. Pausing, Zayn smiled- he saw no harm in making friends, what could go wrong?

"That's cuz I didn't tell you... It's Zayn Malik.. Nice to meet you" the ravenette answered shaking the blonds hand. Smirking, the blonds grip was firm-hands calloused-Zayn could feel the sharp ridges on the taller mans ring, the ruby glistened in the sunlight.

"Justin, Justin Bieber.. and the pleasures all mine..."

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