Concert- Chapter 20

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Hey guys! So I really want to try and finish this story soon. There's still alot of chapters to go yet! I have a clear idea of what is going to happen and hopefully I will update at least once a week. I am making a schedule soon so I can organise when I'm going to write each story coz I suck at updates. Haha! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

This is try number two in posting this chapter. I posted it last night, it was fine and then today it has all just disappeared. I am so pissed it's unbelievable. I have now had to re-write everything! Arghhh! So if its not that good then I'm sorry, I tried re-writing it from memory but kind of failed.

(2 days later)
From Harry: You coming to the concert tonight?

Smiling I sat on my bed in the dorm room. Me and Harry have been texting for the last few hours, he is having a few interviews before their concert tonight. Smirking Emily looked over to me shaking her head.

"Talking to Harry?" She laughed as I shot her a evil glare. Emily had become a good friend to me, she understood me and I think she is one of the best things to happen to me.

Me: Yeah, is that ok? Louis invited me

Me and Harry were still being undercover, no one knew apart from Emily but I trust her. Not like she is going to tell management or the press. Feeling my phone buzz I smiled seeing Harry's reply.

From Harry: Of course it is babe! I can't wait to see you, we can play the 'friend' card;)

Sighing I chucked my phone onto the bed before turning to Emily. "Help me pick an outfit to wear?" I asked as she smirked. Quickly jumping up from her desk chair we both walked over to my small wardrobe before starting the long task of getting me ready for tonight.

Me and Emily had eventually decided my outfit for today. I was now wearing plain black ripped knee jeans, a plain baggy white v-neck top, a leather jacket and chelsea boots. I do have to say I love Emily's fashion sense, all the studs and spikes are extremely cool. "You sure you don't want to come tonight?" I asked slinging my bag over my shoulder. It was 3 hours till the concert but since I am a 'friend' of the band I am going backstage to see them all first.

"Nah I think I will pass." Emily smiled, she wasn't really into the boys music. She was more of a You and Me at six, Daughtry and A day to remember kind of girl. I love those bands as well which is good because we can go see them in concerts and listen to music whilst studying. My favourite songs are Waiting for Superman, Battleships and Used to by Daughtry. What can I say, they are catchy! Anyway, she just doesn't like their music as much as I do.

Waving goodbye I closed the door behind me before walking down the hall. It sucked that me and Harry were going to have to pretend not to talk to eachother but I can't risk breaking this contract.

*Harry's POV*
Becca would be here any minute. It will be good to spend some time with her, well kind of. Kendall was also here, something about publicity for our 'relationship'. She sat next to me twiddling with my fingers as the boys were on the other side of the giant room. "You ok?" Kendall asked as I nodded with a smile.

"Perfect." I said as Louis walked over.

"Hey er... You didn't mind me inviting Becca today did you?" He asked as I shook my head.

"No of course not. Me and Becca are friends so..." I hummed trying to figure out an ending to my sentence. Luckily someone gained our attention. Looking over at the door Becca stood with her phone in hand, she had a huge smile glued to her face.

"Hey guys." She said as the rest of the boys ran up to her and gave her a hug. I just looked at Kendall who shrugged her shoulders. Becca walked over to a small seating area with the boys, they were firing questions at her every second. Minutes later someone from Managment poked their head through the door.

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