Trying- Chapter 2

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Hey guys! Hope you like this little chapter. I have been writing it for a while, I would have uploaded sooner but I was round a friends house. I hope you like it! :D<3

(2 days later)

*Harry's POV*
I was driving down the familiar road, humming to myself as I took in the surroundings. I haven't seen Becca since that whole blow up thing the other day but I was definitely going to see her today. I had gotten her address off of Zayn earlier, saying I had something of hers I lied. I needed to see her! Looking around I spotted the apartment block, quickly pulling into the car park I jumped out the car locking it behind me. Walking into the large reception room I got quite a few stares from some girls but I was just focussing on going to see Becca. Finding the lift I pressed the button, waiting for it I thought over what I was going to say in my head. She needed to know I was truly sorry. The ding of the lift snapped me out of it, stepping in I rode up to her floor. When the doors opened I let out a sigh. Looking for the apartment number I caught it in the corner of my eye.

Knocking firmly on the door I heard someone call something from the other side. Knocking again they let out a grunt. "I'm coming!" Becca said before opening the door. When she saw it was me her face dropped. "Go away Harry." She said trying to close the door but I stuck my foot in the way. "Get your foot out of my door." She gritted her teeth as I shook my head.

"Please just listen to me." I pleaded as she leant against the door frame.

"There is nothing you can say Harry. Just piss off and leave me alone." She said slamming the door on my foot. Grabbing onto it with pain I slid onto the floor. I could hear her laughing on the other side of the door. Maybe people are right? Once an enemy always an enemy.

*Becca's POV*

I was nearly in hysterics as I heard him curse in the hallway. Maybe he shouldn't have put his foot in my door. Kind of feeling bad I opened it again to see him sitting on the floor out cold. Wtf happened in that space of time!? "Crap!" I yelled walking out into the hallway attempting to get him inside. With great strength I pulled him into the apartment as I closed the door behind us. I could now just hear little snores from him. Un-fucking believable. I grabbed onto his arm pulling him up onto the sofa, trying to walk away i felt his arms wrap around my waist. Turning to face him he was still fast asleep but was saying something. Not paying any attention what so ever I released his grip easily and went to go take a shower. Why was my enemy in my house? Why?

I finished with my shower. Just wrapping a small towel around me I casually walked into my bedroom. Looking around the room I looked for another towel for my hair. Grabbing it I ruffled my hair drying it off slightly. Once I was finished with that I went on the picking my outfit for the day. Pulling out plain black jeans and a crop top I dropped the towel to the floor. Just about to pull my pants up someone walked through the door. "Bec-" Harry paused looking at my naked body. Quickly grabbing the towel I wrapped it around me again angry he hadn't even knocked!

"Jesus Christ Harry! Don't you fucking knock before you walk into a girl's bedroom?" I angrily said as he just bit his lip walking closer to me. Stepping back slightly I realised i was THIS close to the bed. Sighing I moved out his way heading for the door. Opening it I gestured him to leave. He just sat there on my bed smirking. "Get the fuck out of my bedroom!" I yelled once more before he shook his head. Was he really being this stubborn now, when I was basically naked under this towel?

"Not until you listen to me." He hummed as I let out an angry grunt.

"Fine! At least let me get dressed first." I said as he had a smile glued to his face. "Wipe that stupid smile off your face Styles." I angrily said as he went to leave.

"Why get dressed you look hot enough as it is when you're not wearing anything." I can't believe he just said that. Giving him an evil stare I went back to what I was doing before I got rudely interrupted.


Almost forgetting Harry was in my house I strolled out my bedroom singing titanium. Realising he was watching and listening to me I froze on spot. "Aww why'd you put clothes on!?" He just laughed before I sat down on the opposite seat. "You are a good singer babe." He laughed as I angrily slapped his hand away from my waist.

"I've told you not to call me that." I wasn't giving in to any of his bullshit. I have heard it all before in high school. He nodded before letting out a long load of absolute rubbish.

"Look Becca I am sorry for what I did to you in High school. I never meant to hurt you. I was stupid and an absolute dick. I have changed though, I am not like that anymore. Please can we just forget about everything that has happened?" He begged as I looked at him in shook. I know BS when I hear it and that is definitely some.

"Forget? How the hell am I supposed to forget!? You ruined my high school experience Harry, you can't just expect me to forgive and forget just like that. The funny thing is you haven't changed, not one bit. You are still the immature, flirty, player Doosh you were in school. You can't change its flipping impossible." I said making him feel hurt. I could see it in his eyes he was pissed.

"I have changed!" He defensively said as I just laughed.

"No you haven't. Just get out and leave me alone." I said getting up and walking out the room. I slammed to bedroom door sliding down onto the floor. Hearing the front door close I let out a little whimper. Burying my head in my heads I grabbed my phone off the floor. Scrolling through the contacts I clicked on Perrie's contact. Dialling it I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Becca are you ok?" she asked as I nodded, realising she couldn't see me

"Yep. What you doing this week? I was thinking we could catch up a bit and hang out?" I asked coughing trying to keep the tears down. I don't even know why I was crying in the first place.

"Yeah sure tomorrow? Meet at the food court?" She said as I agreed and said goodbye. Sitting back I closed my eyes tight as I felt the tears fall down my cheek. What was going on I have never felt like this before.


(Next day)
*Becca's POV*
I sat there fiddling with the drink in front of me. Waiting for Perrie to arrive I checked my phone for the time, 12:00. Humming I looked around to see lots of large groups of teenagers, consisting of slutty girls and dicks of boys. Sighing I tried to ignore them as the yelled stuff across the room. It was pretty damn hard though. A few boys that looked about 13 came up to me and tried flirting with me but I just laughed. "So babe is it your place or mine?" One said with a smirky lustful look.

"Oh you mean the house that you share with your parents because oh yeah you are a little baby boy. Go and hit on a 10 year old, they are more of your type." I said as they tried defending themselves. Didn't work though, stupid kids. It's funny to think I used to be that age, I was so care free and now well I can't trust anyone apart from Perrie. She is more like a sister than a friend to me though. Looking up I saw her quickly walking over with a smile.

"Hey sorry I'm late." She said sitting down on the opposite chair. Nodding I took a sip of my drink, watching the teenage groups slowly disappearing. What is it their bedtime or something? "So how have you been?" Perrie said as I looked at her with a half-smile half sad look.

"Alright I guess. What about you?" I asked fiddling with one of my bracelets.

"Good. Zayn and I have been proper busy. Oh! Did Harry give that thing to you?" Perrie said making me confused as hell.


"You know he asked Zayn for your address so he could give something back to you." She said as I looked at her in shock.

"What, like my virginity? He didn't need to give me anything. He came to annoy me and talk to me about crappy stuff." I sighed as Perrie just shook her head.

"He can be sly sometimes."

"Yeah and a dick." I laughed as she looked deeply into my eyes, it was like she was looking directly at my soul. I didn't like it at all. "He tried apologising and saying he changed but he isn't and hasn't." I said looking down at my lap.

"Bec's?" Perrie said making me look up. Nodding for her to continue she took a deep breath. "I want you to be careful ok? From what Zayn has told me Harry can change personalities in an instant. One minute he is all sweet and lovey dovey then the next all he cares about is getting in your pants. Just don't do anything you will regret." She finished as my phone buzzed. Looking down it was from an unknown number. Clicking the message I read it out loud.

Unknown: Meet me at the cute restraunt in town. You know which one I mean-Haz x

"Ok this is stupid! How did he get my number!?" I angrily said typing a reply.

Me: Ha yeah right. How the hell did you get my number!? Oh and I would appreciate it if you didn't lie to my friends to get my address.

I was so angry right now. Slamming me phone onto the table Perrie just looked at me. "He really annoys you don't he?" She said as my phone went off again.

"You have no idea." I said clicking on the message. I have now programmed his name into my contacts... well.

Twatty-player dooshbag: I may have got it off Zayn. God I just wanted to talk to you.

Laughing at his name I showed Perrie, she laughed as well. Refusing to reply right now I put my phone in my bag and focused on hanging out with Perrie. I wasn't going to let that twat ruin everything. Not again.

Did you like it? Lol. Omfg just found out about the extended version of This is Us! Freakkkiing out right now! I will try and update as soon as I can:)

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