Greetings- Chapter 28

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Hey guys! So I have got this sudden brain wave of what I want to write next in the story and so I just had to write it before I forgot! I am also writing my next chap of From Two Different worlds so that should hopefully be posted soon. Anyway enjoy this little chapter:) Again if this before chapter 26 I'm sorry, my wattpad is playing up and I can't do anything about it.

*Becca's POV*

Me and Luke sat in the car on his parents drive way debating whether we should actually go in or not. I haven't seen Luke's parents in months and whenever I do see them I always seem to make an ass of myself. "Nervous?" Luke asked as I slowly nodded making him chuckle. "Come on they won't bite." He smiled jumping out the car.

"You sure?" I whispered to myself before also getting out the car.

"You will be fine, I promise." Luke smiled holding onto my hand for support. Knocking on the door with his free hand I took a deep breath closing my eyes before plastering a smile on my face. The door slowly opened to reveal Luke's mum stood with a huge smile on her face.

"Luke, Becca." She whispered as we both smiled at her.

"Hi mum." Luke said as she welcomed us into the house.

"Why didn't you call!? I would have arranged something for your home coming." I don't know what it is but something seems different about her, the way she was talking she almost seemed worried that we were here.

"We wanted to supprise you Mrs H." I laughed as she smiled at me.

"It's good to see you Becca."

"You to." She gave both me and Luke a hug before we sat on the sofa opposite her. Luke still had my hand to help me stay calm, hes a good friend.

"I tell you, I knew you both would make such an adorable couple, I knew you would end up together." She smirked as my eyes became wide. Looking at Luke I quickly removed my hand from his grip.

"Mrs H... me and Luke..."I began before I got cut off by her.

"It makes this easier for me."

"What?" Luke asked as confused as I was.

"I was going to call but I guess its better to do it in person." She took a deep breath as Luke's eyes filled with worry, I quickly grabbed onto his hand again.

"Mum?" Luke whispered as she closed her eyes.

"I..erm... have cancer Luke." She whispered as tears filled both our eyes.

"W-what?" Luke stuttered trying to process the words she had just said.

"I found out a few weeks ago." She whispered as I felt a year falling down my cheek.

"W-why didn't you tell me!?" Luke yelled as his mum jumped.

"I didn't want to worry you..." She cried as like quickly stood up.

"You're my mum! You're supposed to tell me these things!" He angrily said before storming out the room.

"I'm so sorry." I cried moving over to the same sofa as her.

"It's ok sweetie, they caught it early so I should be ok. I just hope that Luke is ok. I never meant to upset him." She shook her hand as I placed my hands ontop of hers.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to flip out like that, it was probably just a shock that's all. Just give him a bit of time." I shrugged my shoulders as she smiled at me.

"I'm just glad he has you. That's my one wish. If I do go I want to know that he will be looked after, that he will be happy. I always thought you would be that person and I was right. I'm so glad he has you Becca, just look after him please." She begged as tears brimmed in my eyes. I couldn't tell her now, that me and Luke aren't actually together.

"I promise I will do everything I can." I smiled before telling her that I would go and check on Luke. Both of us got up from the sofa and walked into the kitchen. Looking out the window he sat on the decking looking out into the garden. Knowing his mum would be watching I took a deep breath before opening the door and walking out.

*Luke's POV*

Hearing the door close behind me I quickly wiped the tears off my cheek before turning round to see Becca with a sympathetic look on her face. I have her a faint smile as she sat down next to me. There was a moment of silence before she finally said something. "I am so sorry Luke." She whispered as she wrapped her arm around me.

"It's o-ok." I stuttered trying to hold in my emotions. "I'm sorry about my mum thinking we are dating, I will tell her later that it's not true."

"You don't have to do that. I told her that we were." she shrugged her shoulders as my eyes widened.

"Why?" I asked confused as to why she would do that.

"It is her last wish and I thought I would make it come true?" She smiled resting her head on my shoulder.

"You're amazing you know that? Is Harry going to be ok with it?"

"He will have to be." She laughed before glancing at the window. Knowing my mum was probably watching she inched closer to me.

"I'm going to kiss you, don't hit me." I smirked as she smiled in return before I pulled her towards me. Wrapping my hands around her waist and pushing our lips together. Sooner or later we were both laying on the deck in a full make out session, Becca lying ontop of me. It was good to have a friend like Becca, i'm just worried about Harry.


(2 days later)

*Harry's POV*

I have been trying to contact Becca for these few days, she hasn't been picking up though. Knowing she is alone with Luke kind of scares me, yes Luke's a friend and I trust them both but you never know what might happen. I was walking along the corridor towards the lounge area of the building when I heard talking on the other side of the door. "We can't tell him, it will just stress him out and make him not as focused as normal. Becca got him to promise her to stay focused so that's what we are going to keep it as." I heard Niall whispered as I frowned. What were they keeping from me? Storming into the room I saw all the boys included Paul sat around a small table. When they spotted me they all looked worried.

"What is going on I heard everything?" I angrily said, why would they keep stuff from me.

"Mate we didn't want you freaking out, it's probably nothing you know what magazines are like." Louis calmly said as I glanced at the objects in his hands.

"Show me." I gritted my teeth before taking the magazines from his hand. when I read the headline story I swear I could feel the heat from the anger building up.

"Sorry Har." Zayn sympathetically said as a wave if sadness also hit. How could she? How could he?

There you go, a nice a long chapter for you all. Awhhh Luke's mum:( next chapter will be up soon, as well as from two different worlds:) if anyone knows how I can fix all this chapter swapping thing please tell me because it is really hard to write.

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