The truth- Chapter 23

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Hey guys! So I really felt like updating today so I am! Haha hope you enjoy:)

(2 weeks later)
'Kendall Jenner and Harry Styles take romantic trip.'
'Is there trouble in the celeb Romance?'
'Is Styles back with his ex?'
Reading through all the articles on the front on the magazines I frowned reading all the rubbish written in them. Me and Harry haven't talked in 2 weeks so I don't get how we are magically 'back together' it's kind of sad. I had been called into a meeting with mangment an half hour ago, now I was sat in a massive meeting room waiting for someone to turn up. I was actually thinking about just walking out but then a group from Mangament walked in. In amongst that group was that women that I knew too well, she was the only nice one here. "So Becca I am guessing you already know it has come to the end of your contract, if you just sign here you will be released and you can do whatever you want." An oldish women grumpily said as I quickly grabbed the pen and signed on the dotted line.

"Congratulations Becca." The nice women smiled as I nodded in return.

"Can I go now?" I asked kind of excited that I was finally free. When they said I could go I got up and ran out the room. When I got outside into the hallway my excitement lowered seeing Kendall and Harry in the middle of a full on make out session. Me coughing they quickly pulled away with wide eyes.

"Becca..." Kendall smiled as I half smiled back. Looking at Harry he seemed to not know what to say.

"I-" He started but I soon cut him off.

"Well I should be going. I'm meeting up with Tyler so I don't want to keep him waiting." I whispered pushing past them and carrying on walking down the corridor. It will be good to see Tyler maybe it will get my mind off of things.

*Harry's POV*
Nice one Harry. Wow I really need to learn. What was I supposed to do though!? Kendall kissed me and I couldn't exactly pull away. Why is Becca always there? This all sucks, she is now going to see that stupid doosh who will probably just hurt her. "Tyler better not hurt her." I mumbled under my breath expecting no one to hear, that wasn't the case.

"You can't really talk Harry." Kendall replied before we both got called into the large meeting room. This should be fun.

*Becca's POV*
Walking to the small cafe on the corner of the street I spotted Tyler in a booth at the back of the room. "Hey." I smiled sitting down opposite him.

"Hey how are you?" He asked as I grinned even more. "Good... I guess." I laughed as Tyler looked at me confused.

"You guess?" He hummed as I shook my head.

"Yeah err... I saw Harry kissing Kendall. It was kind of awkward." I whispered twiddling with my fingers.

"Did you say anything to him? About how you feel?"

"How could I? He was kissing Kendall! He clearly doesn't want to be with me Tyler." I half smiled feeling tears in my eyes.

"You don't know that Becca. Until you talk to him you have no idea what he is thinking." Tyler tried reasoning with me.

"No. If he is with Kendall then I should just except that and move on. I deserve to be happy as well. I know how." I smirked pulling out my phone.

To Niall: Meet me somewhere I need to talk x

Clicking send I said my goodbye to Tyler before jogging to my car. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

Niall: Me and the boys are having an interview on Jonathan Ross? I will tell security to let you through x

Smiling I started up the engine before driving over to the studio.

*Niall's POV*
I sat on the sofa flicking through my twitter in the small room waiting for Becca to arrive. I wonder what she wanted to talk about? There was a knock on the door before Harry slowly walked in. "Hi." He simply said, we haven't been the closest since the Becca situation.

"What's up?" I asked putting down my phone.

"I need to talk about Becca."

"Harry..." I groaned.

"Look I am going to tell you something that I haven't told any of the other boys, mainly because I couldn't. Promise me you won't tell anyone." Harry firmly said with a serious look on his face. Nodding, Harry took a deep breath. "When Becca left our tour I got loads of articles written about me saying that it was my fault and that I'm this player. It started ruining our sales and rep so managment told me to sign this contract. The contract was to be in a relationship with Kendall for a few months to let all the drama go down. I was so upset about Becca not being there I stupidly signed it. It was the biggest mistake of my life. But then, Becca turned up again and I realised that I don't want to be with anyone else but her." Harry paused seeing my mouth wide open.

"Carry on." I simply said as he looked down at his lap.

"I got too close to her. Got myself in a bad situation. Mangament made her sign a contact to stay away from me. I screwed that up though. We wanted to be together but the whole media was in the way and it got complicated. That one time in that interview where there were pictures of me leaving Becca's dorm. I lied and said I was seeing an old friend when I was actually with her. I didn't know what to do. The concert that Becca performed at I got a text from managment. They said if I didn't break it off with her then they would sue her and make our lives a living hell. I didn't want that to happen so I said I didn't love her and that I wanted to be with Kendall. I just need you to know that I never wanted any of this. I never meant to hurt her." When Harry stopped I seriously couldn't believe what was happening.

"How could you be so stupid?" I asked shaking my head. He hurt Becca because of a stupid contract.

"I don't know Niall maybe I was a bit to upset about her leaving to worry about what I was doing." Harry half yelled half whispered.

"Don't try and blame this on Becca. This is all your fault." I laughed. Our conversation got stopped by a knock on the door.

"Niall?" I heard Becca's familiar voice say from the other side of the door. Harry's eyes became wide as I told her I would be one minute.

"Please don't tell her." Harry whispered in a panic.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't." I gritted my teeth as Harry looked from the door to me.

"Because if you care about Becca like I do you will want to protect her." He whispered as a shiver went round my body. He really does care about her. Nodding Harry stood up from the sofa as I called Becca to come in.

*Becca's POV*
Opening the door with a smile a frown sketched onto my face when I saw Niall awkwardly sat on the sofa while Harry stood looking at the ground. "I was err just leaving." Harry mumbled before walking past me. Closing the door I walked over to Niall and sat down next to him.

"What did he want?" I asked still with a frown.

"He was just telling me what song we are singing on the show." Niall half smiled, it's obvious that wasn't why he was in here.

"Niall tell me the truth." I angrily said.

"I can't." He whispered as I shook my head.

"So your lying to me as well!? What have I just got stupid written across my forehead!? You know what I was going to talk to you about something important but it doesn't matter anymore." I yelled before getting up and leaving the small room. When I was storming down the corridor I heard my name being yelled behind me. Stopping and turning I saw Harry running towards me, great just what I need right now.

"Where are you going?" He asked as I kept my eyes glued to the floor. If I looked in his beautiful green eyes I would instantly fall in love with him again. I can't love him.

"Why do you care?" I gritted my teeth as Harry grabbed onto my hand. "Harry..." I whispered tears falling down my cheeks before pulling my hand away from his.

"Just please stay for the interview. Or the song at least?" He begged as a frown came back onto my face.

"Why the song?" I asked.

"Just please stay." He said again as I slowly nodded. I could tell he was smiling and that made me smile. I still don't know why he wants me to listen to the song though?

What's going to be so special? Hmmmm I wonder;) I will try and write as quick as possible, homework sucks and I hate school. Ok see ya!

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