Chapter 2: Though the doors

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I wake up and find myself in a big building I look around in fright and I cant see joe anywhere I rush up to look around. I find two people looking at me in a very confused way so I stare back at them the same way I slowly get up from my bed and take in what is around me. Its beautiful there are chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, paintings that were probably tons of money and the furniture matches the wallpapers colour everything in here is just perfect but I still need to find my brother. So I walk to two big doors that say district 8 as I walk in I see two boys standing together one with blond hair and one with brown as I approach them I her my name being called out. I look around to see who it is but its joe I run up to him and practically throw myself on him. 'Where have you been I was worried sick' I say with a hint of panic in my voice 'hey I'm sorry I was called to a interview room where they did some weird tests on me in fact I was coming to get you because you were next'. I was so scared I didn't want people touching me from head to toe, looking in my head, examining my body what am I some kind of lab rat. Joe said I need to go now because they were ready for me as I walked out the doors I felt tears swell up in my eyes and as I'm walking to the room I start to think, what am I, why am I here, how is this even a thing its madness.

But as soon as I know it I look up to the door its a very modern door very high tech sort of thing you know. I knock as gentle as possible I don't want to make a bad impression of myself before the hunger games even begin. The door opens and a lady is staring t me with a kind smile on her face I tug a smile back and she invited me in I take in everything its so futuristic and spunky I sort of like it. She leads me to a chair that has wires hanging down from it the lady starts to talk to break the silence 'Hi I'm Jenny and I'm gonna run a simple test on you is that ok' I stare at here for a while and try to hold back my thoughts "IS IT OK OF COURSE NOT IM BEING TESTED FOR SOMETHING THAT IS PROBABLY ILLEGAL". I only think that I don't say it otherwise ill be shot so I simply nod and she smiles 'Great so can get you to lay back that's it ok now close your eyes and think about lets say your family think about all the fun times you've had with them'. As I'm thinking about the time joe and me had a snowball fight I cant help but smile a bit but then all of a sudden my cute childhood memories goes and I'm left with joe he looks so scared but then he drops to the ground I look down and somebody has just shot him and were coming for me next I looked at him and he said sorry and shot me. I jolted up very scared is this what the hunger games do I look at the woman but she is staring at her laptop she turns to me and says ' ok thank you and please send in um Connor franta'. I nod and walk out the door I am so shocked about what I saw it was the craziest thing ever I just hope that it doesn't happen to us.

I see joe sitting in the main hall by himself I walk up to him 'How did it go' I just stare at him and a single tear strolls down my cheek joe wipes it away for me and says 'be strong' I smile and tell him that I need to find Connor franta so he takes me to where he is. He is in district 11 with a person called Tyler Oakley. As we knock I stand back and let joe do the talking he tells Connor that he needs to go to a room called tests room he looks slightly confused and scared but we tell him its ok so he nods and says thanks. We are left with Tyler he looks so nervous and scared his eyes are red (from crying probably) and he looks like a mess Tyler looks up at us staring at him he smiles a very weak smile and says with a shaky voice 'what is this why are we here I'm so scared I need to go back home I don't even know this guy we literally just met and I don't know whether he likes me or not I'm I'm just so scared'. He is crying now so I walk up to him ad put my arm around his shoulder and reassure him its ok and nothing will happen but by that video that was in my head I know that we aren't ok and that something will happen but I cant tell him he seems to sweet to do this and too sweet to kill anything I just feel so sorry for him. We hear a loud voice come over the speakers we hear someone say 'can everyone please go back to there districts and prepare for the travel to the hunger games so me and joe get up and say bye to Tyler cause deep down inside I feel like this will be the last time we speak....

AN: Hello again sorry I haven't updated in a while I was at school doing work.... sadly but hopefully the next chapter wont be as long to write cause I just wrote 1000 words so yay

please enjoy the next few chapters because a lot of stuff will be happening and it will be very exciting xxx

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